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Linköping University

Linköping University (in Swedish: Linköpings universitet, LiU) is a state university in Linköping, Sweden. Linköping University was granted full university status in 1975 and is now one of Sweden’s largest academic institutions. Education, research and PhD training are the mission of four faculties: Arts and Sciences, Educational Sciences, Health Sciences and the Institute of Technology. In order to facilitate interdisciplinary work, there are 14 large departments combining knowledge from several disciplines and often belonging under more than one faculty. Linköping University emphasises dialogue with the surrounding business sphere and the community at large, both in terms of research and education. In 2012, Linköping University was home to 17,850 students, 1,367 research students and 3,900 employees, including 315 full professors.


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Quand les scientifiques enquêtent sur les fraudes des publications.

Découverte d’une fraude scientifique pour booster artificiellement l’impact des recherches

Pour mesurer l’impact d’un article scientifique, on peut compter combien d’autres papiers y font référence. Des chercheurs viennent de détecter une fraude aux citations.
Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden, where KBS-3 repository technologies have been tested. Anna Storm

100,000 years and counting: how do we tell future generations about highly radioactive nuclear waste repositories?

Spent nuclear fuel remains dangerous for so long that languages can disappear and humanity’s very existence cannot be guaranteed. So how do we communicate information about repositories into the future?
Les mesures barrières limitent la propagation des micro-organismes pathogènes, mais n’affaiblissent pas notre système immunitaire. Shutterstock

Covid-19 : non, notre système immunitaire n’a pas été affaibli par les mesures sanitaires

Selon la théorie de la « dette immunitaire », l’ampleur des épidémies survenues fin 2022, telle que celle de bronchiolite, serait la conséquence des mesures anti-Covid-19. Une hypothèse peu plausible.
The offshore industry need not be so dangerous if safety is put first. PA

The oil industry has yet to learn lessons of Piper Alpha

The explosions and fire that completely destroyed the North Sea oil rig Piper Alpha and cost 167 workers their lives remains the world’s worst offshore oil disaster. Saturday, July 6, marks 25 years since…


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