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Macquarie University

Macquarie University is ranked among the top one per cent of universities in the world and enjoys an enviable reputation for research excellence. It’s recognised for the way it uniquely fosters collaboration between students, academics, industry and society – producing graduates who aren’t just highly skilled, but multifaceted global citizens who are among the most sought-after professionals in the world.


Displaying 1401 - 1420 of 1421 articles

Compared to countries like France, Australia’s food is expensive - but why? AAP

Mon Dieu! Why is Australian food so expensive?

I am fortunate to have recently returned from a holiday in France. While there I couldn’t help noticing the much lower price of many foods. Croissants and brioches retail for around $1.35 (1 euro) or less…
When is a roll in the hay worth losing your head over? Suizilla

Sexual cannibalism: a treat you can eat

Sex is often viewed as a totally harmonious interaction between a male and female with the same innate goal – to produce offspring. But it is becoming increasingly clear to biologists that the reproductive…
Hated enemy or part of the landscape? Radio Pictures

Cane toad movie says put aside prejudice - in 3D

Every night under cover of darkness an advancing wall of toads heads west. Rather than winding through the bush, the toads march straight down the highway, ignoring the official border signs. Meanwhile…
Australia’s disaster policies should concentrate on mitigation, not just reconstruction. AAP

Let’s ask the hard questions on reducing our disaster risk

Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland has said that Australia needs to rethink its natural disaster policies if it wants to reduce disaster costs in the future and avoid becoming the insurer of last…
Julia Gillard’s gender matters, but it also depends on which gender is listening. AAP

When Julia talks, does her gender speak louder?

How does gender affect the way people perceive Julia Gillard’s communication style? Australians’ responses to Julia Gillard seem complex and ambiguous, embodying the contradictions involved in how women…
First Minister Alex Salmond has promised to hold a referendum on Scottish independence. AAP

How Scottish elections could deliver an Australian republic

Australian republicans should watch the Scots. In the Scottish Parliamentary election held on 5 May, the Scottish National Party (SNP) secured an overall majority. Formerly in minority government in Scotland…
The Royal Wedding has seen great media interest, but hasn’t captured people’s emotions. AFP/Ben Stansall

The starry royal wedding of Wills and Kate fails to impress the people

The Royal Wedding has failed to capture the imagination of the commoners. Prince William and his bride can only dream of exciting people the way Oprah Winfrey did on her state visit here last year. It…
Financial measures to address ageing promote inequality and weaken the budget. Patrick Doheny/Flickr

The myth of the ageing ‘crisis’

So far there have been three Intergenerational Reports by Treasury examining the challenges of an ageing population which have consistently been used to justify new policies to address a potential ageing…
Ten thousand visitors a year are taking a toll. AAP

Loving Gallipoli to distraction or destruction?

Every year since the early 1990s, thousands of visitors have invaded the Gallipoli battlefield. The rise of this sad, starkly beautiful and melancholy place as a tourist destination is of course related…
Many jobs can be bad for your health. It’s important for the quality of work to improve before it can be seen as a universal good. Rafael Cavalcante/Flickr

A philosopher’s view: the benefits and dignity of work

In a recent speech presented at the Sydney Institute, Julia Gillard reaffirmed her commitment to welfare reform aimed at full employment. This was justified not by the need for the government to cut its…
Sure, they’re wiggy dudes, but do they offer good service? Steve Punter flickr

A modest proposal to end lawyers’ self-serving ways

The patently obvious was stated by Allan Myers QC, when he called for abolition of time-billing by lawyers in the Weekend Australian on Saturday. Politicians and judges have been calling for such reform…
A class action case is being attempted against US retailer Walmart. AAP

Walmart case may redraw US gender bias, class action rules

A controversial and wide-ranging sex discrimination case against US retailer Walmart is currently wending its way through the country’s highest court. A 10-year-old case, Walmart v Duke, began with legal…
Ipswich residents clean up January’s flood damage. AAP

Councils should cop some blame for Qld flood insurance woes

As many Queenslanders affected by January’s floods are realising, riverine flood damage is commonly excluded from household insurance policies. And this is unlikely to change until councils - especially…
queens Patrick Schultheiss

What ants can teach robots

Can an ant’s strategy for moving around be useful for building robots with autonomous navigation? Working with experts in the field of artificial intelligence, we have just begun to explore this possibility…
Don Bradman was the “greatest living Australian”, according to John Howard, and is so central to the country’s history, he features in the citizenship test. AAP Photo/ Mortlock Library of South Australia

Gillard government can remake history by adopting a neglected idea

Australia is in danger of forgetting its past. The government is starving history projects of their funding. And we have until Friday to try to stop the total abolition of the crucial Making History initiative…
More primary school children will have the chance to learn a foreign languages AFP photo/Paul Crock

Children’s world expanded by their languages

There is a quiet revolution taking place in teaching and learning languages, in both primary and secondary teaching. For years, most Australian schools have lagged behind those in other countries in the…


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