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Queen Mary University of London

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) is a research university and constituent college of the University of London, dating back to the foundation of London Hospital Medical College in 1785. Based in Mile End in the East End of London, Queen Mary is organised into three faculties – the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

A member of the Russell Group of leading British research universities, Queen Mary is a major centre for medical teaching and research and is part of UCL Partners, the world’s largest academic health science centre. Times Higher Education ranks Queen Mary 48th in its 2018 ranking of European universities, and it was ranked 15th in the Times Higher Education Best Universities in the UK 2017. There are eight Nobel Laureates amongst Queen Mary’s alumni and current and former staff.


Displaying 521 - 529 of 529 articles

Here’s looking at you kid. PA/Peter Byrne

Japanese supercomputer takes big byte out of the brain

Researchers in Japan have used the powerful K computer, one of the world’s fastest supercomputers, to simulate the complex neural structure of our brain. Using a popular suite of neuron simulating software…
Cancer cells face a new, tiny enemy. Dr Cecil Fox

Sticking it to big pharma with crowdfunded nanotech

Students at the University of York are challenging what they see as the closed worlds of nanotechnology and healthcare by crowdsourcing funds to produce a new type of treatment for cancer using magnetic…
It’s a numbers game: warning of heart attack risk is reassuring but misleading. Flickr/ansik

Regulator still falling short over painkiller warnings

Millions of people use diclofenac, an over-the-counter painkiller, to relieve pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, backache and other conditions. But on Friday, the UK medicines regulator, the Medicines…
The Queen might be the last woman standing. Lucidtech/Flickr

Identity politics in the wallet: who should be on our notes?

The Bank of England is backpedalling after outgoing governor Mervyn King caused a furore just before his departure with a decision to put wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill on the back of the £5…
Michael Douglas’ claim that his throat cancer was caused by HPV should provide the push to protect at-risk groups. PA/Julien Behal

Douglas cancer claim shows it’s time to vaccinate boys against HPV

Actor Michael Douglas’ claim that his throat cancer was caused by human papillomavirus - or HPV - has generated lots of publicity. But head and neck cancers are still thankfully still very rare. They are…
Long-term let: David Cameron has led his party for a year longer than the average Tory leader. Crown Copyright

Seven-year itch: David Cameron, loongate and the Tories in crisis

David Cameron has so far managed seven and a half years as leader of the Conservative Party. The average tenure for a modern British party leader is six and a half. If you look beyond Margaret Thatcher…
I’ve seen the future Nick, and it’s behind us. Stefan Wermuth

For Cameron and Clegg the cost of compromise is high

Compromise. It’s one of those Jekyll and Hyde verbs. Used actively, it’s a good thing - you want something; I want something different; we talk it over; we come to an arrangement; we compromise. Used passively…


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