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The University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne is a global leader in higher education. Across our campuses we convene brilliant minds from different disciplines and sectors to come together to address important questions and tackle grand challenges. In a disrupted world, that capacity has never been more important.

Our vision is to equip our students with a distinctive, future-facing education personalised around their ambitions and needs, enriched by global perspectives and embedded in a richly collaborative research culture. As active citizens and future leaders, our students represent our greatest contribution to the world, and are at the heart of everything we do.

We serve society by engaging with our communities and ensuring education and research are inspired from the outset by need and for the benefit of society, while remaining committed to allowing academic freedom to flourish. In this, we remain true to our purpose and fulfil our mission as a public-spirited organisation, dedicated to the principles of fairness, equality and excellence in everything we do.

We strive for an environment that is inclusive and celebrates diversity.

Beyond our campuses we imagine an Australia that is ambitious, forward thinking and increasing its reputation and influence globally. We are committed to playing a part in achieving this – building on our advantageous location in one of the world’s most exciting cities and across the state of Victoria, in a region rapidly becoming a hub for innovative education, research and collaboration.


Displaying 6561 - 6580 of 6598 articles

It’s blue skies for some parts of the Basin, but others are left wanting. AAP

Government myopic on Murray Darling’s complex needs

The controversy over the Murray Darling Basin Guide centres on the need to strike a balance between the social, economic and environmental uses of water. The difficulties in undertaking this task are most…
As yet we can only guess what the Higgs boson might look like. DESY Zeuthen

Explainer: the Higgs boson particle

Theoretical physics is full of mysteries and unknowns. In the case of some particles, we can predict their existence even if we can’t find them. Such is the status of the Higgs boson. And yet detecting…
Buying up farmland in developing countries may be the only answer. ILRI/flickr

When the world starves, where will Australia get its food?

FOOD SECURITY - You don’t hear about it as much, but global food security is a major issue, probably of more concern than climate change. It is driven by increasing population, changes in diet, increasing…
Crash: the forces of nature care little for the theories of economics. Flickr

Changing the nature of business

On an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean I crouch by a seawall. The weather, normally so clement at this time of year, is appalling. Over the previous three days, the wind has blow-up thirty-foot…
Where we are says a lot about who we are. tulja/Flickr

Location, location: who’s watching you (and why)?

PRIVACY – Your location is arguably more personal than your genetic profile; even identical twins can’t be in the same place at the same time. In terms of value, it’s on a par with your medical records…
Coalition welfare policy wrongly relies on the flawed Work of the Dole program. AAP

Work for the Dole doesn’t work, so why is it Coalition policy?

Tony Abbott’s recently unveiled welfare reform package advocating a range of tough policies to push people into work has been described by Prime Minister Julia Gillard as ‘reheated’. You might expect that…
The conflict in Chechnya receives very little coverage in Australia. AAP

All the news that’s fit for us not to read

The rules of being a conflict reporter are largely unchanged and very simple. According to Fairfax’s correspondent, Paul McGeough: “You’ve got to get in. You’ve got to get the story”. The present uprising…
We must innovate to avoid a food crisis. AAP

To feed the world, farming emissions must rise

FOOD SECURITY - Agriculture is one of the few industries in the world in which emissions must rise. The carbon footprint of farming will become larger over the next 40 years as we feed a rapidly growing…
The environment is as much in our heads as “out there”. Flickr/dragonmage 06

There’s more to nature than Man vs Wild

Sometimes it feels like nature is out to get us. Fires, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods make paranoid types think that the world is coming to an end. Rationalists blame news media for causing us to…
This time around Obama must run on his record. AAP

Obama’s low key re-election strategy

Was it a surprise that President Obama’s launch for the 2012 election was so low key? That he tweeted his intention to raise US$1billion? That he posted what the New York Times called an “understated…
Significant: Ken Henry’s tax review deserves to be on the national agenda. AAP

Put Henry Review reforms back on political agenda

The Henry Review released in May last year provided the Commonwealth and state governments with a wealth of good ideas for reform, yet so far the political processes have failed to deliver reforms. Why…
Only Estonia and Switzerland use internet voting regularly. bkusler/flickr

Can we trust online voting?

Australians expect paper-based elections to provide privacy, integrity and transparency. Why should we abandon these principles just because the election uses a magical device called a computer? The iVote…
Children should never be separated from the group as punishment. pcgn7/flickr

Time to take time out

New laws in Victoria have introduced fines for childcare providers who send children to “time out” or a “naughty step”. So was the super nanny wrong? Is the “naughty corner” really that bad for a child’s…
Commerce and the humanities should be partners, not opponents. Flickr

Calling the humanities home

If we talk of ‘two cultures’ today, it’s not the divide between arts and sciences that we should have in mind. The crucial issue is the gulf between commerce and higher education - especially between business…
Ratings agencies face tougher rules, but how much regulation is too much? herval/flickr

Reining in credit rating agencies

The behaviour of credit rating agencies is back in the spotlight, as Portugal struggles with its large debt burden. Credit rating agency Fitch has copped some criticism for cutting Portugal’s credit rating…
Governments have a paradoxical approach to street art. costa cobosta/flickr

Do governments know what to do with street art?

Australia prides itself on its attractiveness to tourists, but for many, to the eternal frustration of Melbourne, visiting Australia is synonymous with the Great Barrier Reef and Sydney Opera House. It…
The dreaming spires of universities must evolve to survive. allaboutuni/flickr

The modern university must reinvent itself to survive

Foundation Essay – In 1529 the great monasteries of England and the 400 smaller establishments had never looked so good. They were doubly protected, by universal belief and by their many material connections…
Is Australia waiting for other countries to do all the hard work on renewables? Torresol Energy

A carbon price won’t bring zero emissions

If Australia is truly serious about avoiding climate catastrophe we are going to need to move towards a zero-emissions economy. A price on carbon emissions is an important component of climate protection…


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