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University of Manitoba

The University of Manitoba has thrived for 140 years as a place where students come to learn, be inspired and find their voice. We are Manitoba’s largest, most comprehensive university and its only research-intensive post-secondary institution. Our research facilities foster collaboration and scholarship in areas including Arctic system science and climate change; immunity, inflammation and infectious disease; population and global health; culture and creative works; and Indigenous research.

At the U of M we are taking our place among leading universities through a commitment to transformative research and scholarship, and innovative teaching and learning, uniquely strengthened by Indigenous knowledge and perspectives.


Displaying 121 - 140 of 203 articles

Du personnel médical s’entretient avec une femme présumée avoir été infectée par le coronavirus dans un centre de santé communautaire à Wuhan, en Chine, en janvier 2020. Chinatopix via AP

L’épidémie de coronavirus à l’heure des médias sociaux

Les médias sociaux ont permis aux chercheurs du monde entier de collaborer et de coordonner leurs efforts pour lutter contre l'épidémie et contenir sa propagation.
U.S. President Donald Trump was flanked by military officers as he responded to the ballistic missile strike that Iran launched against Iraqi air bases housing U.S. troops. AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Why the U.S. is unlikely to go to war with Iran

Iran’s missile strikes on Iraqi bases in response to the killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani have raised tensions between the U.S. and Iran. But war seems unlikely at this point.
A city worker helps a woman who decided to cross St. Mark’s square on a gangway despite a prohibition to do so in Venice on Nov. 17, 2019. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

Venice floods: Historical myths may attract the aid city needs

Venice is a beautiful city with legendary myths that have attracted travellers for hundreds of years. These myths may be what brings the resources needed to save the city.
The time has come to accept that energy corridors and fossil fuel exports will be a declining feature of Canada’s economic future. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

The economic illusions of the Canadian election

In the aftermath of the election, what is striking about many of the policy positions of Canada’s federal parties is their timidity, especially when it comes to climate change.
A culture of perfectionism that begins in medical school is one reason why doctors and other medical professionals struggle to apologize for their mistakes. (Shutterstock)

Why is it so hard for your doctor to apologize?

Despite protective apology legislation across Canada, many doctors and other health-care professionals remain too afraid or ashamed to apologize after medical errors.
Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister manages to keep the red Tories of his caucus happy and appeal to urban voters in Winnipeg in a province where far-right conservatism would not fly. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson

Manitoba’s pragmatic conservatism may contain lessons for Andrew Scheer

Those hoping to see from Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister the fiery right-wing political rhetoric often employed by other Conservative leaders in Canada will walk away disappointed.
De la glace à la dérive se forme en mer Baltique où la concentration de microplastiques est à un niveau semblable à celle que l’on trouve dans l’Arctique. L’absorption de microplastiques a un impact sur la façon dont la glace absorbe ou reflète l’énergie du soleil. Shutterstock

Les microplastiques pourraient affecter la formation et la fonte des glaces de l’Arctique

Les niveaux de microplastiques dans l'océan augmentent. Il nous faut comprendre comment ils affectent les qualités et les propriétés de la glace de mer, et quel pourrait en être l'impact potentiel.
A health worker spreading disinfectant at a health checkpoint in Goma, DRC. Patricia Martinez/EPA-EFE

Ebola survivors can pass on the virus: we’re trying to understand what role sex plays

Nearly everything known about Ebola virus persistence in the reproductive system has resulted from testing semen of West African Ebola virus disease survivors.
La militante Greta Thunberg, au centre à gauche, se joint à une coalition de jeunes leaders de la lutte pour le climat et à des associations environnementales lors d’une manifestation devant les Nations Unies le 30 août 2019 à New-York. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

Quand la jeunesse fait avancer le mouvement vers la justice climatique

Une équipe de recherche composée de jeunes militants du climat et d'universitaires examine comment les écologistes apprennent la solidarité et la justice.
Drift ice forming in the Baltic Sea, where microplastic concentrations are at levels similar to those in the Arctic. The incorporation of microplastics into sea ice affects how well the ice absorbs or reflects solar energy. Shutterstock

Microplastics may affect how Arctic sea ice forms and melts

Levels of microplastics in the ocean are rising. More study is needed to figure out how these microplastics affect the qualities and properties of sea ice, and what the potential impact may be.
Even though the future is unknown, Canada’s employment rate has risen steadily from 53 per cent in 1946 to more than 61 per cent today. (Shutterstock)

The future of work will still include plenty of jobs

Our inability to foresee the jobs of the future should be tempered by the realization that that jobs have always appeared in the past, regardless of technological advances.
Climate activist Greta Thunberg, centre left, joins a coalition of youth climate leaders and environmental groups during a climate strike outside the United Nations, Aug. 30, 2019, in New York. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

#Fridaysforfuture: When youth push the environmental movement towards climate justice

A research team of youth climate activists and academics is examining how environmentalists learn about solidarity and justice.


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