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University of Victoria

The University of Victoria is one of Canada’s top research universities. It’s renowned for research impact and dynamic learning opportunities. UVic is located in Victoria, British Columbia, on the edge of Canada’s spectacular west coast - a gateway to the Pacific Rim.

It is consistently ranked North America’s top university for published research based on international collaboration. It’s also home to the world-leading Ocean Networks Canada, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, Institute for Integrated Energy Systems, and the world’s only joint Indigenous law program.

Strong partnerships connect UVic to communities at home and around the world. It’s frequently honoured for its comprehensive academic programming. It is also known as Canada’s best comprehensive university for preparing students for the global workplace.

UVic is committed to global connections. Its faculty, staff and students partner with over 300 institutions in 70 countries.


Displaying 101 - 120 of 183 articles

The future of protein includes lab-grown meat and plant-based meat alternatives. (Shutterstock)

Lab-grown meats and cow-free dairy can meet the demand for protein and help address climate change

Technological advancements in food production have created new ways to meet the growing demand for protein. Canada’s investment in this industry may create jobs and reduce carbon emissions.
Et si une simple goutte d'eau pouvait permettre la découverte des animaux vivant dans un lac? Shutterstock

Utiliser l’ADN pour suivre avec précision la trace des animaux dans leur milieu naturel

L’analyse de l’ADN environnemental représente une méthode précise et socialement responsable permettant de traquer la présence d’animaux vivant dans un milieu naturel donné sans avoir à le perturber.
All 197 countries represented at COP26 signed the pact. Robert Perry/EPA

COP26: experts react to the UN climate summit and Glasgow Pact

Has the summit delivered on its goals?
Leonardo DiCaprio, kanan, berbicara dengan ilmuwan Bumi dan wakil direktur Direktorat Sains dan Eksplorasi Goddard NASA, Piers Sellers, untuk film dokumenter perubahan iklim, ‘Before the Flood.’ (Flickr/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

Studi: film dokumenter perubahan iklim kerap mengutamakan negara kaya dan menampilkan konten tak berimbang

Banyak film dokumenter populer tentang perubahan iklim mengandalkan narator dan ahli laki-laki kulit putih, memperkuat stereotip sosial dan memberikan liputan tidak seimbang tentang wilayah terdampak.
Leonardo DiCaprio, right, speaks with Earth scientist and deputy director of NASA’s Goddard Sciences and Exploration Directorate, Piers Sellers, for the climate change documentary, ‘Before the Flood.’ (Flickr/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

Popular climate change documentaries often privilege wealthier countries and offer unbalanced coverage

Many popular climate change documentaries rely on white male narrators and experts, reinforce social stereotypes and provide unbalanced coverage of the regions most affected.
Shipping containers are moved from the Fairview Cove Container Terminal In Halifax in May 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Andrew Vaughan

How to make fragile global supply chains stronger and more sustainable

The world needs robust supply chains that are founded on sustainability, collaboration, trust, transparency, visibility and diversification of supply.
At the beginning of the 12-day celebration of life ceremony, Elder Wendy Phillips performs a smudge. (Josh Lyon)

Who decides what’s essential? The importance of Indigenous ceremony during COVID-19

Was participating in ceremony despite pandemic restrictions an act of Indigenous resistance and resurgence and did it reflect reassertion of nationhood and self-determination?
Annamie Paul is photographed before announcing she is officially stepping down as Green Party leader, ahead of a press conference at Suydam Park in Toronto in September 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Tijana Martin

Annamie Paul: Lessons for the Green Party after ‘the worst period in my life’

Political parties often weather internal storms. There are many Greens in Canada who are hoping the Green Party can do so too after Annamie Paul’s leadership laid bare serious issues in the party.
Aux Bermudes, les sédiments des mangroves consomment l’oxyde nitreux (N2O) présent dans l’eau de mer. La restauration des écosystèmes côtiers pourrait contribuer à freiner le changement climatique. (Shutterstock)

L’oxyde nitreux, un puissant gaz à effet de serre, est en augmentation dans les zones mortes des océans

L’oxyde nitreux est un gaz à effet de serre, 300 fois plus puissant que le CO₂. Les émissions de N2O sont en hausse en raison de l’impact des activités humaines sur les écosystèmes océaniques.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is joined on stage by wife Sophie Gregoire, left, and children Xavier and Ella-Grace, right, during his victory speech at Liberal party campaign headquarters in Montreal. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatric

Canada’s status quo election: Trudeau returned with another minority, faces uncertain future

Justin Trudeau has been elected Canadian prime minister for the third time. But he failed to win the majority he wanted.
The existence of smartphones has modified social and work expectations so that 24-hour availability is now often considered the norm. (Shutterstock)

Does being away from your smartphone cause you anxiety? The fact that it makes you available 24/7 could be the reason

Some researchers argue that nomophobia, or no mobile phobia, should be treated through psychological and pharmaceutical treatments. But these claims ignore real-life interactions.
Saat kita melihat jaringan online kita lewat analogi pipa, bukan prisma, jumlah yang kecil akan menjadi penting dan tampak berharga. (Shutterstock)

Dalam hubungan di sosial media, yang besar bukan berarti lebih baik

Jika Anda ingin memberi dan mendapatkan bantuan dari jaringan online Anda, penelitian baru menyarankan agar jumlah “teman” Anda tetap rendah.
The pipes imprinted on microfluidic chips are about the size of a human hair, and in many ways are like miniaturizing a chemical manufacturing plant. (Katherine Elvira)

New cancer treatments can be tested in artificial cells on tiny chips the size of a postage stamp

Artificial cells on tiny microfluidic chips can provide early insight into how new cancer drugs behave in cells, and why certain kinds of cancer are more resistant to chemotherapy treatment.
La production de cacao est fortement concentrée dans quelques pays d'Afrique occidentale, dont la Côte d'Ivoire et le Ghana. (Shutterstock)

Pourquoi l’industrie du cacao pourrait mettre fin à la déforestation en Afrique de l’Ouest

L’engouement des consommateurs pour le chocolat est hélas lié à déforestation illégale d’écosystèmes très protégés. Mais peu à peu, des progrès sont accomplis pour favoriser le commerce éthique.
Seabed sediments in Bermuda mangroves consumed nitrous oxide from the seawater. Restoring coastal ecosystems might help curb climate change. (Shutterstock)

Nitrous oxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, is on the rise from ocean dead zones

Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas, 300 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Global emissions of N2O are on the rise as a result of human activities — and their impact on ocean ecosystems.


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