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Western University

Founded in 1878, Western University in London, Ontario is one of Canada’s leading research-intensive universities, combining academic excellence with life-long opportunities for intellectual, social and cultural growth in the arts, humanities, engineering, sciences, health sciences, social sciences, business and law. With research collaborations on every continent and students and faculty trained far and wide, Western is actively engaged internationally. Western’s campus community is comprised of more than 38,000 students from 127 countries, 3,800 faculty and staff and 294,000 alumni in 154 countries. Western offers nearly 500 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in 11 faculties, a School of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies and three affiliated university colleges. Western is proud to provide Canada’s best student experience.


Displaying 361 - 380 of 441 articles

The teenage brain has a voracious drive for reward, diminished behavioural control and a susceptibility to be shaped by experience. This often manifests as a reduced ability to resist high-calorie junk foods. (Shutterstock)

How junk food shapes the developing teenage brain

Excessively eating junk foods during adolescence could alter brain development, leading to lasting poor diet habits. But, like a muscle, the brain can be exercised to improve willpower.
A new report in the Canadian Medical Association Journal describes a case of severe, life-threatening airway injury related to vaping that occurred in a Canadian youth. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

Popcorn lung: Teen first case of life-threatening vaping injury

As vaping increases among youth, so do the life-threatening lung injuries that accompany it. ‘Popcorn lung’ is the latest.
Les adultes canadiens consomment en moyenne plus du triple de la limite quotidienne de 25 g de sucre ajouté recommandée par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé. Shutterstock

Comment notre alimentation trop riche en sucre transforme notre cerveau

Les Canadiens mangent trop de sucre. Or, la consommation d’aliments riches en sucre a des incidences sur le cerveau, la mémoire et le comportement.
The average Canadian adult consumes more than triple the daily limit of 25g added sugar recommended by the World Health Organization. (Unsplash/muhammad ruqiyaddin)

Your brain on sugar: What the science actually says

Sugar triggers dopamine “hits” in the brain, making us crave more of it. Sugar also disrupts memory formation.
CRISPR has many applications, including targeted gene therapy, but the precision of the technology still has a way to go. Shutterstock

Gene editing needs to become more precise to live up to its promise

CRISPR technology is continually improving to make it more specific, but serious consideration should be given to when and how CRISPR is safe for gene editing.
MRI paru-paru dari mantan perokok ganja dan tembakau, menunjukkan fungsi paru-paru yang buruk. Pada perokok elektrik, zat berminyak juga ditemukan di dalam jaringan paru-paru dan saluran udara. (Parraga lab), Author provided

Vaping jelas merusak paru-paru: ini strategi mencegah penyebarannya pada remaja

Pemasaran rokok elektrik begitu cepat, persuasif dan tersebar luas, terutama ketika pemasaran ini menargetkan anak-anak dan remaja, yang mana pertumbuhan dan perkembangan paru-parunya belum selesai.
IRM d’un poumon d’un ex fumeur de tabac et de cannabis illustrant la faiblesse de ses fonctions pulmonaires ainsi que son arbre respiratoire tronqué. (Parraga lab)

Vapotage: des effets dévastateurs à craindre pour les poumons

Le vapotage cause une toxicité pulmonaire mortelle. Leur commercialisation auprès des enfants doit être interdite.
A composite image showing the distribution of dark matter, galaxies and hot gas in a merging galaxy cluster taken with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii. NASA

Canada’s grand plan to explore the mysteries of the cosmos

The Canadian Long Range Plan 2020 for astronomy and astrophysics builds on Canadian research’s previous success to extend Canada’s role.
This image made from a fake video featuring former U.S. president Barack Obama shows elements of facial mapping that lets anyone make videos of real people appearing to say things they’ve never said. (AP Photo)

The election’s on: Now Canadians should watch out for dumbfakes and deepfakes

Fake videos pose a risk to democratic representation, participation, and discussion. Canadians need to be mindful of their existence as we head towards the federal election.


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