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Hollie Birkinshaw

Research Fellow, Primary Care, University of Southampton

Hollie is an experienced researcher in chronic pain, focusing particularly on musculoskeletal pain and the integration of psychology in pain and health services research through multiple research projects:

- Leading a Cochrane review and network meta-analysis on the efficacy and safety of antidepressants for chronic pain.
- Exploring pain-related distress in chronic musculoskeletal pain and how to address this in primary care.
- Exploring the psychosocial mechanisms of chronic pain as part of the Consortium to Research Individual, Interpersonal, and Social mechanisms of pain (CRIISP, as part of the Advanced Pain Discovery Platform).
- Working within primary care randomised controlled trials for stratified care and clinician decision support systems.

Hollie’s has a School for Primary Care post-doctoral fellowship that was awarded the Elizabeth Murray award to explore the development of pain related distress in musculoskeletal pain.


  • –present
    Research Associate, University of Southampton


  • 2022 
    Keele University, PhD