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Adjunct Professor at the Political Science department, University of Winnipeg

Kawser Ahmed, PhD is an educator and researcher in peace and conflict studies who has in-depth understanding of social conflict and its peaceful transformation. While serving in the UN peacekeeping operations in conflict zones, he earned experience in peacebuilding, mediation, and transformative dialogue in resolving inter-group conflict. He developed insights in conflict by studying social resistance, terrorism, and extremism in global and local contexts. He undertook several researches on community focused conflict intervention, refugee crisis, and youth extremism in western and non-western contexts. His publication encompasses topics such as peacebuilding, counter-radicalization, economic aid and conflict intervention, national counter-terrorism strategies, and UN peacekeeping operations. His research interests are: inter-personal and inter-group social conflict transformation and peacebuilding; radicalization to violence, political violence, ideology driven extremism and community-based intervention; external aid and peacebuilding; military intervention and critical security studies; South and South-East Asian security; and migration/displacement related conflict. He leads a Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada based research think tank, Conflict and Resilience Research Institute, Canada (CRRIC).


  • –present
    Instructor and SSHRC Post-Doctoral fellow at the Political Science department, University of Winnipeg


  • 2017 
    University of Manitoba, Peace and Conflict, PhD


UN medal for peacekeeping