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Matthew Slater

PhD Candidate, Exercise Physiology, Anglia Ruskin University

Matthew is an endurance coach and scientific advisor at RTS training. He has a wealth of athletic experience as marathon runner having competed in 33 road marathons including 11 London Marathons with a marathon best of 2:33:24. Currently he is studying for a PhD in "Pace selection and fatigue resistance in marathon running"

Matthew is also a vascular healthcare scientist of 15 years experience and has worked with Public Health England and NICE, as well as fulfilling professional roles on the Society of Vascular Technology committees.

Research interests: Pace regulation during marathon races; mechanisms of fatigue during exercise; and ultrasound imaging of arteriovenous fistulas.

He has full accreditation with the Society of Vascular technology, alongside an MSc in Sport and Exercise Science from Liverpool John Moores University and a BSc in Sport and Exercise Sciences from The University of Birmingham.


  • 2020–present
    PhD Researcher, Anglia Ruskin