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Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University

Sara Matthews is a writer, educator and researcher based in southern Ontario. Her research and teaching are interdisciplinary and consider the dynamics of conflict and social change. Working primarily in the field of research-creation, her projects explore the relations between visual culture and martial politics as well as how communities craft creative modes of relationality and survival in response to practices of state securitization.

In addition to her academic-based work, Sara curates aesthetic projects that archive the ways in which encounters with conflict and loss emerge as new forms of futurity, materiality and placemaking. Her critical art writing has appeared in PUBLIC, FUSE Magazine and in exhibition essays for the Robert Langen Gallery, Circuit Gallery, the Ottawa Art Gallery, the Doris McCarthy Gallery and as a blog for Gallery TPW.


  • –present
    Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University


  • 2008 
    York University, PhD Education