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Articles on crisis intervention

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Darren Spencer at a memorial for his childhood friend Saheed Vassell, a 34-year-old father of a teenage son, fatally shot by police in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, April 5, 2018. AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews

To stop police shootings of people with mental health disabilities, I asked them what cops – and everyone – could do to help

Police are almost always the first responders in cases of mental health crisis. Too often these encounters turn bad, even deadly. But police were never meant to be in charge of US mental health care.
Police guard the blockade line in Martin Place, Sydney, during the siege of the Lindt Cafe in December 2014. AAP/Jeff Tan

Should we negotiate with terrorist hostage takers?

Not every terrorist hostage taker will be open to hostage negotiations. But everything we know from psychology tells us that some of them might be.

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