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Articles on Studying

Displaying 1 - 20 of 24 articles

Study groups and quizzes can help, but one studying technique stands out above the rest. Hill Street Studios / Getty Images

What it takes to become a spelling bee champ

The road to becoming a champion speller is made easier with support from family and friends, but ultimately it depends on an individual student’s commitment to learning, a scholar writes.
The best place to study is in a space with no distractions and plenty of light. Hans Neleman/Stone via Getty Images

How can I make studying a daily habit?

A researcher who studies ways to help students become better readers and writers describes how to create a homework habit using a loop: cue, routine, reward.
Breaking homework assignments down into smaller parts makes it easier to complete. Pressmaster/

6 ways to establish a productive homework routine

When it comes to completing homework, getting organized and celebrating small victories along the way is key, an expert on learning strategies says.
Studying can be made easier by removing distractions and spacing study out over a couple months. Shutterstock

Study habits for success: tips for students

It can be hard to get into a study groove, but removing distractions, getting enough sleep, self-testing, spacing out your study and creating memory aids can help students succeed.
The challenges of making new friends, managing schedules and the hormones of puberty can be overwhelming for new high school students. (Unsplash/Benjamin Voros)

How to help your kids transition to high school

An education psychologist offers tips for parents of new high school kids on everything from navigation to time management.

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