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University of Manchester

The University of Manchester, a member of the prestigious Russell Group, is the UK’s largest single-site university and is consistently ranked among the world’s elite for graduate employability.

The University is also one of the country’s major research institutions, rated fifth in the UK in terms of ‘research power’ (REF 2014). World class research is carried out across a diverse range of fields including cancer, advanced materials, addressing global inequalities, energy and industrial biotechnology.

No fewer than 25 Nobel laureates have either worked or studied there.

It is the only UK university to have social responsibility among its core strategic objectives, with staff and students alike dedicated to making a positive difference in communities around the world.


Displaying 641 - 660 of 713 articles

Or not, as the case may be… Duncan Rawlinson

How can Bitcoin bridge the gap to our everyday lives?

Bitcoin has recently received favourable acknowledgement from Apple and significant recognition from the Bank of England, but it has just suffered another serious slump in value and some more fundamental…
Waiting to go off. Student debt via PathDoc/Shutterstock

What can defuse the student loan time bomb?

According to a new pamphlet issued by the Social Market Foundation, “the Tories’ student loan system that finances our universities, voted through by the Lib Dems, is a timebomb waiting to go off”. The…
If you lie, I’ll move to another group. Sebastiaan ter Burg

White lies make social networks stronger, but selfish lies tear them apart

“Lying is a bad thing – this is what mentors, parents and teachers tell us. But there is no society without lies.” So says theoretical physicist Rafael Barrio, and when he and his colleague Kimmo Kaski…
Following orders from above. Aero Icarus

Explainer: when and why is air space restricted?

The downing of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 has led to many questions being asked about the propriety of planes flying over eastern Ukraine. Many have pointed out that other airlines had prohibited their…
I didn’t get the joke. Young child via Cheryl Casey/Shutterstock

Why children with autism often fall victim to bullies

Bullying can affect anyone at any time, but young people with autism are especially vulnerable. The results can be devastating. Not being able to keep up with the teasing banter that often takes place…
Dusting off the archives: Griff Pugh at work at altitude. Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

Meet Griffith Pugh: the Everest pioneer you’ve never heard of

Scientists almost never get to be household names just for doing science. Most who impact the public consciousness, like Brian Cox, Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking, tend to at least combine the science…
Farage: not loony enough to take on 17,000 Conservative majority. Lynne Cameron/PA Wire

Tory victory as Newark proves largely immune to Ukip fever

The result from the most eagerly awaited by-election of this parliament was something of an anti-climax. While parts of the leafy Nottinghamshire seat succumbed to the Ukip fever gripping the nation…
A representative of an outdated establishment with 19th century views … and Princes Charles. Justin Tallias/PA

Scudamore email affair reveals Britain’s elitist club culture

Controversy continues to envelop Richard Scudamore, the long-standing Chief Executive of the English Premier League, nearly two weeks after sexist emails he exchanged with business associates were leaked…
Thick accents, bad accents, mumbling… BBC/Origin Pictures

Jamaica Inn complaints reveal widespread accent prejudice

The recent torrent of complaints about the “inaudible dialogue” in the BBC’s adaptation of Daphne de Maurier’s Jamaica Inn have prompted a debate about actors’ speech. The cause of the problem was variously…
EU elections: when no voters in 2014 may mean a ‘no’ vote in 2017. David Cheskin/PA Wire

EU election at risk from apathy and voter dissatisfaction

Less than a month out from the EU parliamentary elections and polls are showing either disenchantment or downright disinterest in the European project among the British public. Following a YouGov poll…


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