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University of Tennessee

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is Tennessee’s flagship land-grant university. UT serves the state, the nation, and the world by educating students, enhancing culture, and making a difference in people’s lives through research and service. The university’s world-class faculty and broad-ranging partnerships, including its relationship with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, play a critical role in attracting top students.

We embody excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, creative activity, outreach, and engagement. Our research portfolio is broad and varied, ranging from projects that advance the development of hypersonic vehicles to those that further STEM education in East Tennessee and study Antarctica as a means of better understanding Mars.


Displaying 101 - 120 of 224 articles

Atari and Centipede games unearthed from a 2014 excavation of a New Mexico landfill. taylorhatmaker/flickr

Innovative products lead to a boom in imitation and often a bust - just look at Atari and Bitcoin

Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery? Maybe. When good ideas prosper, so do replicas, diluting the power of original thinking.
Giant’s Causeway di Irlandia Utara menampilkan sekitar 40.000 kolom basal poligonal terbuka dengan bagian horizontal yang sempurna. Chris Hill/Photodisc via Getty Images

Curious Kids: Mengapa alam menciptakan pola?

Alam mulai membentuk pola pada tingkat molekuler – dan terkadang tumbuh menjadi ukuran yang sangat besar.
People volunteer at a Native Alaskan voting station on Nov. 2, 2022 in Anchorage. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

What’s at stake this Election Day – 7 essential reads

Voter demographics and policy priorities are two recurrent, big issues on Election Day – but shifts in election administration and voting laws are new challenges influencing the midterms.
Terry Hubbard, a former felon, voted in the 2020 presidential election and was arrested two years later in Florida on voter fraud charges. Josh Ritchie for The Washington Post via Getty Images

How a 2013 US Supreme Court ruling enabled states to enact election laws without federal approval

In the Shelby v. Holder decision, a key section of the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act was eliminated, thus enabling states with histories of racial discrimination to enact new voting laws.
Blockchain transactions are carried in blocks. The amount of energy it takes to add a new block varies widely depending on how it’s done. Yuichiro Chino/Moment via Getty Images

What is proof-of-stake? A computer scientist explains a new way to make cryptocurrencies, NFTs and metaverse transactions

Ethereum, one of the world’s largest blockchains and host of decentralized finance, NFTs and billions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency, is poised to dramatically reduce its energy consumption.
People catch La Crosse disease primarily from the bite of the eastern tree-hole mosquito – although two other species may also carry the virus. Nipol Plobmuang/EyeEm via Getty Images

La Crosse virus is the second-most common virus in the US spread by mosquitoes – and can cause severe neurological damage in rare cases

Not all cases of La Crosse disease affect the neurological system, but those that do can be severe and sometimes fatal – especially in children.
Race, class and gender can not only impact the education that students receive, but also the punishments they receive. Courtney Hale/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Black girls are 4.19 times more likely to get suspended than white girls – and hiring more teachers of color is only part of the solution

A social work scholar researches why school suspensions disproportionately affect students from certain groups and what can be done to change that.
A sign reads ‘I’m on your side’ outside the Hope Medical Group for Women in Shreveport, La., in April 2022. Francois Picard/AFP via Getty Images

Abortion funds may not be able to keep up with rising demands, as more people travel out of state for the procedure

Abortion funds, which help people who cannot afford the procedure, are facing new kinds of pressures, including potential legal risks and a rising client demand that exceeds their capabilities.


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