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Associate Professor of Sport Business, Manchester Metropolitan University

My research in general focuses on the consumption and production of sport and culture. Underlying these academic fields my substantive research area is in the importance of place and networks. For the former I am interested in the contexts and mechanisms that make place a key driver in the formation and maintenance of sporting and cultural lifestyles and consumption behaviours. For networks my approach is to understand consumption from a analytical sociology position, using predominantly a social network analysis methodology to explore relational and interactional dynamics. Place and networks are fundamental to understanding how consumption and production operates in modern societies, between the macro and micro aspects of society.

Furthermore, I have a specific research interest in the production elements of the football industry or football worlds (adapted from Howard Becker Artworlds concept). In particular my research explores the collective activity in this world, focusing on conventions, networks and resources. In addition to sport sciences, I have interests in leisure sciences more broadly, including inequalities in culture and sports participation. Indeed, I have published widely on music, including a book titled ‘Social Networks and Music Worlds’.

I have a strong background in theoretical and applied statistics (MSc in Social Research Methods and Statistics from University of Manchester) and I completed my PhD research in the Institute for Social Change/Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research (University of Manchester). In addition, I have a extensive knowledge of the theory and methodology of Social Network Analysis.

Currently I am editor of GeoSport a platform showcasing research on the geopolitical economy of sport. I am also a global fellow of The University of Edinburgh's Academy of Sport. In addition, I am reviews editor for the Journal of Consumer Culture and active member of the Mitchell Centre of Social Network Analysis (University of Manchester).

In addition to sport sciences, Paul has interests in leisure sciences more broadly, including inequalities in cultural and sports participation. Furthermore, he has published widely on music, including a book ‘Social Networks and Music Worlds’.


  • –present
    Research Fellow in Cultural Sociology , Leeds Beckett University


  • 2011 
    Manchester University, PhD