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University of Cape Town

Located on the slopes of Devil’s Peak in Cape Town, the University of Cape Town is a leading, research-intensive university in South Africa and on the continent, known for its academic excellence and pioneering scholarship. The university is home to a third of South Africa’s A-rated researchers (acknowledged by the Department of Science and Technology as international leaders in their field) and a fifth of the country’s national research chairs. UCT encourages students and staff to use their expertise to speed up social change and economic development across the country and continent, while pursuing the highest standards of excellence in academic knowledge and research: developing African solutions to African challenges that are also shared by developing nations around the world.

UCT, like the city of Cape Town, has a vibrant, cosmopolitan community drawn from all corners of South Africa. It also attracts students and staff from more than 100 countries in Africa and the rest of the world. The university has strong partnerships and networks with leading African and other international institutions - helping to enrich the academic, social and cultural diversity of the campus as well as to extend the reach of UCT’s academic work.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 997 articles

Un homme vote dans un bureau de vote à Freetown lors des élections générales de 2018. Issouf Sanogo/AFP via Getty Images

Elections en Sierra Leone : une enquête révèle ce qui intéresse le plus les électeurs

La gestion économique, les pénuries alimentaires, les services de santé, les infrastructures et l'éducation sont des questions clés qui pourraient influencer le vote des Sierra-Léonais le 24 juin.
A man casts his vote at a polling station in Freetown during the 2018 general elections. Issouf Sanogo/AFP via Getty Images

Sierra Leone elections: survey reveals what voters care about most

Economic management, food shortages, health services, infrastructure and education are key issues that may shape how Sierra Leoneans vote on 24 June.
The African National Congress has lost electoral support but remains dominant. Phill Magakoe / AFP via Getty Images.

South Africa’s ruling party is performing dismally, but a flawed opposition keeps it in power

Dissatisfied ANC voters were much more likely to switch their votes if they held positive views of an opposition party. However, the problem for the opposition is that few people held these views.
Advances in facial recognition technology may have useful applications in healthcare. Getty Images

Foetal alcohol syndrome: facial modelling study explores technology to aid diagnosis

Key to diagnosing foetal alcohol syndrome is an assessment of certain facial features. A 3D facial scan is expensive but 2D images may offer a solution.


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