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University of South Wales

The University of South Wales was formed in 2013 by the merger of the University of Glamorgan and the University of Wales, Newport.

Both previous institutions were founded by leading industrialists and professionals, with some of their many previous incarnations being the The South Wales and Monmouthshire School of Mines and the Caerleon College of Education.

Now the University has a staff of 3,500 and two subsidiaries in The College Merthyr Tydfil and the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 130 articles

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Comment la musicothérapie peut aider les enfants anxieux

Le problème du stress chez les plus jeunes a été mis en avant par la crise sanitaire. Permettant d’explorer les émotions, la musique est un outil de plus en plus convoqué par les thérapeutes.
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« Dans la vraie vie aussi, j’aimerais bien porter un filtre » : les réseaux sociaux vus par les 8-12 ans

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Five historical romances to escape into during a pandemic

During the second world war, people found solace in the formulaic narratives of historical romances and during the pandemic they could once again provide readers comfort.


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