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Anica Zeyen

Professor in Entrepreneurship and Inclusion, Royal Holloway University of London

I am passionate about creating inclusive environments and serve as a Professor in Entrepreneurship and Inclusion. As the Vice Dean for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the School of Business and Management, and the Chair of the Disability and Mental Health Staff Network at Royal Holloway University of London, I am dedicated to promoting accessibility for all.

My research centers on making organizations more disability-friendly. I explore how workplaces and leisure venues, like museums and sightseeing spots, can be more accommodating. I also deliver engaging workshops and talks on disability inclusion, sharing insights and practical advice.

In addition to my academic work, I actively volunteer for several disability charities and advocate for disability rights. My commitment to this cause is deeply personal, as I draw on my own experiences as a blind academic to inform and inspire my work


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, Royal Holloway


  • 2014 
    Leuphana University Lueneburg, PhD in Sustainability Management

Grants and Contracts

  • 2020
    For better or worse? An immersive diary study of the effects of return to work policies on disabled employees
    Principal Investigator
    Funding Source:
    The British Academy
  • 2019
    Entrepreneurship & Disability: A Collective Ethnography on Allyship through Embodied Sensemaking and Posthuman Resourcefulness
    co-Principal Investigator
    Funding Source:
    Social Science and Humanities Research Council Canada