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University of California, Davis

UC Davis is one of the world’s leading cross-disciplinary research and teaching institutions, located in Davis, California. The most academically comprehensive university on the West Coast, it is renowned for its programs in food and agriculture, the environmental sciences and sustainability, and veterinary medicine. Among its many accomplishments, it has helped develop the wine industry, pioneered new medical treatments and altered the art world. Part of the University of California system, UC Davis has 100+ majors, 10 colleges and professional schools, a health system, and research stations throughout California and beyond.


Displaying 221 - 240 of 240 articles

The general public relies on science journalists to report research accurately. estevenson/Flickr

How to stop the media reporting science fiction as fact

Few of us have the time or expertise to sift through all of the scientific papers published every day to determine which research is important and relevant to our lives. In this sense, science journalists…
Do lawn signs like these have any effect on prospective voters? Flickr/Animantis

My yard, my candidate: the social psychology of lawn signs

As the November elections draw nearer, front yards across America are sprouting campaigns signs broadcasting their chosen political candidates. These lawn signs have been a traditional part of politics…
Smart meters worldwide use conventional cell phone networks to transmit their data. portland general

Smart meters are about as dangerous as …

Most fairly well educated people recognise pseudoscience as bunkum when they see it — astrology, young-earth creationism, alien abduction, pyramid power … Yet some of these same people are now being sucked…
According to some, computer intelligence is on course to match human intelligence by 2045. Sybren A. Stüvel

Person or computer: could you pass the Turing Test?

As mentioned already on this site and others, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of famed British mathematician Alan Turing. The outline of his remarkable life and sad ending has by now…
Finland has much to offer Australia and other nations when it comes to mathematics education. StreetFly JZ

Yes, there’s a numeracy crisis – so what’s the solution?

There’s been plenty of commentary recently on the “numeracy crisis” threatening the economies of many developed nations, including Australia. A 2009 report by the National Academies in the US was not the…
Do we take the sophistication of numbers one to ten for granted? duncan

Magic numbers: the beauty of decimal notation

While adding up your grocery bill in the supermarket, you’re probably not thinking how important or sophisticated our number system is. But the discovery of the present system, by unknown mathematicians…


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