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University of Colorado Boulder

At the foot of the Rocky Mountains, the University of Colorado Boulder is nationally recognized as one of only 36 AAU public research universities. Established in 1876, CU Boulder is a Tier 1 public research university with five Nobel laureates, nine MacArthur “genius” fellows and is the No. 1 public university recipient of NASA awards. CU Boulder is a leader in many fields, including aerospace engineering, physics and environmental law. The school partners with many notable federal research labs, including the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). CU Boulder students thrive academically and athletically, with Buff athletes competing in the NCAA Division I Pac-12 conference.


Displaying 141 - 160 of 301 articles

Los instrumentos científicos espaciales pueden monitorizar la fuerza de los huracanes, el aumento del nivel del mar, la pérdida de la capa de hielo y mucho más. Christina Koch / NASA

Las nociones científicas sobre el cambio climático que todos deberíamos conocer, en seis gráficos

¿Qué factores están impulsando el cambio climático? ¿Cómo saben los científicos que el CO2 está involucrado en el calentamiento global? Los datos reflejan las evidencias conocidas hasta el momento.
The best way to stop a contagious virus like COVID-19 is through a worldwide vaccination program. Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

Is COVID-19 here to stay? A team of biologists explains what it means for a virus to become endemic

Some viruses go extinct, while others stick around. The virus that causes COVID-19 seems likely to remain with us for the long term.
Charter school enrollment reportedly grew 7% during the pandemic. FG Trade/E+ via Getty Images

Why charter schools are not as ‘public’ as they claim to be

Charter school enrollment grew during the pandemic. But behind these schools’ rising popularity is a history of harsh discipline, inaccessibility and targeted marketing.
Female engineers were more likely to ask for help from their female than male colleagues. alvarez/E+ via Getty Images

For engineers, asking for help at work is influenced by gender

In the male-dominated engineering industry, where women represent only about 11% of the workforce, gender influences whom individuals turn to for answers to questions.
The Jewish High Holy Days commemorate concepts such as renewal, forgiveness, freedom and joy. Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

What are the Jewish High Holy Days? A look at Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and a month of celebrating renewal and moral responsibility

As the Jewish community prepares to celebrate the High Holy Days, a scholar of the Bible explains their history and why they might offer consolation in times of uncertainty.
Low-cost air-ventilation systems have been installed in many classrooms across the U.S. to help reduce COVID-19 transmission. Halfpoint Images/Moment via Getty Images

COVID-19 has spurred investments in air filtration for K-12 schools – but these technologies aren’t an instant fix

Air-ventilation upgrades have been badly needed in U.S. classrooms since long before the pandemic. Low-tech filtration systems that cost about the same as a textbook per student can make a big difference.
Archaeologist and paleoenvironmental researcher Isaac Hart of the University of Utah surveys a melting ice patch in western Mongolia. Peter Bittner

Melting Mongolian ice reveals fragile artifacts that provide clues about how past people lived

From the high Yukon to the mountains of Central Asia, melting ice exposes fragile ancient artifacts that tell the story of the past – and provide hints about how to respond to a changing climate.
Effective delivery of PNA therapies may offer a way to treat multidrug-resistant infections and other diseases. sorbetto/DigitalVision Vectors via Getty Images

New technology can create treatment against drug-resistant bacteria in under a week and adapt to antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest public health threats in the world. New research, however, may have found a way to keep up with rapidly evolving bacteria.


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