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University of Virginia

The University of Virginia is an iconic public institution of higher education, boasting nationally ranked schools and programs, a proud history as a renowned research university and leaders who are well-prepared to help shape the future of the nation and the world.

In 1819, Thomas Jefferson founded UVA and inaugurated a bold experiment – a public university designed to advance human knowledge, educate leaders and cultivate an informed citizenry. Two centuries later, Jefferson’s vision thrives. Across Grounds - and throughout the world - UVA students, faculty, staff and alumni challenge convention, break barriers and pursue the greater good.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 326 articles

Anti-abortion activists gather outside the Supreme Court building on April 15, 2023. Astrid Riecken for The Washington Post via Getty Images

An obscure 1800s law is shaping up to be the center of the next abortion battle – legal scholars explain what’s behind the Victorian-era Comstock Act

The 1873 Comstock Act makes it a crime to mail abortion drugs or medicine – raising legal questions about the law’s potential revival and influence over nationwide abortion laws.
Turkey’s Adana Hospital survived February 2023 earthquakes with no damage because of its seismic isolation system. Earthquake Protection Systems, Inc.

Buildings left standing in Turkey offer design guidance for future earthquake-resilient construction

February earthquakes wreaked havoc across Turkey and Syria, killing tens of thousands of people. An engineer originally from Turkey describes what kept some buildings functional while others collapsed.
A U.S. surveillance drone flies over the USS Coronado in the Pacific Ocean during an April 2021 drill. U.S. Navy/Chief Mass Communication Specialist Shannon Renfroe

Downing of US drone in Russian jet encounter prompts counterclaims of violations in the sky – an international law expert explores the arguments

International law states that states have to operate ‘due regard’ for the right of nations to fly drones above international waters. Washington claims Russia violated this standard in incident.
Native wildflowers, such as these Dutchman’s breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) that bloom early in spring are losing access to sunlight as trees leaf out earlier. Katja Schulz/Flickr

Climate change threatens spring wildflowers by speeding up the time when trees leaf out above them

Many beloved wildflowers bloom in early spring, while trees are still bare and the flowers have access to sunlight. Climate change is throwing trees and wildflowers out of sync.
Educational software has a long history, but chatbots could help students excel like never before. Fabio Principe / EyeEm via Getty Images

ChatGPT could be an effective and affordable tutor

ChatGPT could lead to substantial learning gains if it’s used as a tutor, an online learning specialist says.
Une toux qui perdure après une infection virale peut être inquiétante, mais dans la plupart des cas, elle se résorbera avec le temps. Shutterstock

Toux persistante après une infection respiratoire : que faut-il savoir ?

Certaines toux peuvent durer des semaines, voire des mois après la fin d’une infection respiratoire. Bonne nouvelle (quoique peu satisfaisante) : la plupart finiront par passer d’elles-mêmes.
Relentless coughing after a viral infection can be frustrating and worrisome, but in most cases, coughs resolve over time. The Good Brigade/DigitalVision via Getty Images

A nagging cough can hang on for weeks or months following a respiratory illness – and there is precious little you can do about it

Some coughs can last for weeks or even months following an upper respiratory infection. The good news – albeit not very satisfying – is that most eventually go away on their own.
Legal battles are being waged over mifepristone, one of two drugs used in medication abortion. Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images

Medication abortion could get harder to obtain – or easier: There’s a new wave of post-Dobbs lawsuits on abortion pills

A rash of pending lawsuits raises questions about the FDA’s approval of mifepristone two decades ago, whether the drug can be legally mailed and the constitutional right to interstate commerce.
The exterior view of the Bethel African American Methodist Episcopal Church at 125 S. 6th St. in Philadelphia. Breton, William L., circa 1773-1855 Artist via the Library of Congress, World Digital Library

A brief history of the Black church’s diversity, and its vital role in American political history

Millions of enslaved Africans were forcefully converted to the Christian faith. The Black church came about when African Americans began to establish their own congregations.


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