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Villanova University

Villanova University is a Roman Catholic institution of higher learning founded by the Order of Saint Augustine in 1842 (Philadelphia). Villanova provides a comprehensive education rooted in the liberal arts; a shared commitment to the Augustinian ideals of truth, unity and love; and a community dedicated to service to others.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 32 articles

Signs calling for all officers and emergency personnel involved in Tyre Nichols’ death to be named and charged rest on public steps on Feb. 1, 2023, in Memphis, Tenn. Lucy Garrett/Getty Images

Justice Department launches civil rights investigation of Memphis police – 4 essential reads about holding police accountable

The Justice Department has launched a civil rights probe of the Memphis Police Department to examine allegations of excessive force, improper stops and searches and racial disparities.
Youth organizers tend to outperform their peers in school. Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Critical race theory sparks activism in students

A researcher on youth organizing presents her evidence for how critical race theory benefits students and society.
El sobrino de Floyd, Brandon Williams (centro), con el reverendo Al Sharpton (izquierda) fuera del tribunal en Minneapolis, Minnesota, antes de que comenzara el juicio por asesinato del oficial Derek Chauvin, el 29 de marzo de 2021. Stephen Maturen / Getty Images

Comenzó el juicio contra el policía que asesinó a George Floyd: 5 lecturas esenciales sobre la violencia policial contra los hombres negros

La muerte de Floyd, quien era negro, desencadenó una ola de protestas masivas contra el racismo en Estados Unidos. Este es un resumen de importantes investigaciones sobre la violencia policial.
Floyd’s nephew, Brandon Williams (center), with the Rev. Al Sharpton (left) outside the heavily guarded Hennepin County Government Center, in Minneapolis, Minn., before the murder trial of Officer Derek Chauvin began, March 29, 2021. Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

Derek Chauvin trial begins in George Floyd murder case: 5 essential reads on police violence against Black men

Research on racism and policing in the US, explained by the experts who study it.
Protesters in front of Boston Police Headquarters during a United Against Racist Police Terror Rally on June 7, 2020. Matthew J. Lee/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Police unions are one of the biggest obstacles to transforming policing

Across the United States, police are shielded from both public and departmental accountability by multiple layers of contractual and legislative protections.
La policía contiene a los manifestantes durante una protesta en el Parque Lafayette Square el 30 de mayo de 2020 en Washington, D.C. Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

Estados Unidos: Policías acusados de violencia brutal arrastran un largo historial de impunidad

Muchos organismos encargados de hacer cumplir la ley no investigan adecuadamente las denuncias de mala conducta y rara vez sostienen las quejas de los ciudadanos. Las sanciones disciplinarias son pocas y se reservan para los casos más atroces.
Replacing an employee means taking time and resources to train someone new. djrandco/

Replacing workers has many costs

As more and more Americans are laid off, employers have to consider the cost of letting their staff go.
Student activists are calling attention to a wide range of issues on campus. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Why colleges should think twice before punishing student protesters

As a student protest continues at Syracuse University, a scholar argues that student activism is a valuable part of the college experience.
Colleges and universities have been challenged to create more inclusive environments for disabled students. Monkey Business Images/

College students with disabilities are too often excluded

The case of a student with Down Syndrome who was denied entry into all eight of the sororities at her school illustrates a broader problem of exclusion for college students with disabilities.
Being part of the resistance can be complicated. Yevgenij_D/Shutterstock

Resistance is a long game

The ‘resistance’ to the Trump administration has many forms, from grassroots organizing to making music. But a historian of 20th-century Germany asks whether opposing Trump is a real resistance.
Having some control over your workday can make it easier to bear. Branislav Nenin/

Why are more people doing gig work? They like it

Whether they do it full-time or as a side hustle, Americans who have some say over their schedules and tasks seem to covet the flexibility.


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