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CQUniversity Australia

Originally founded in Rockhampton in 1967, as the Queensland Institute of Technology (QIT) Capricornia, CQUniversity Australia was granted full University status in 1992 and now has more than 30 000 students studying online and on-campus across Australia.

CQUniversity is proud to be recognised as Australia’s most inclusive university with some of the highest ratios of students from disadvantaged, mature age, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and first-in-family backgrounds. It is this strong focus on participation and accessibility, that has seen CQUniversity firmly establish itself as one of the largest universities based in regional Australia, and the only university with a campus in every mainland state of Australia.

After more than half a century working with stakeholders in regional Australia, CQUniversity is now a renowned research institution in several key disciplines and the benchmark leader for how universities should engage and collaborate with communities and industry. The University’s applied research focus is oriented towards impact and real-world outcomes, with the purpose of providing solutions to challenges and identifying new opportunities for advancement in our regions and beyond.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 334 articles

Bien que courantes, les turbulences en avion peuvent s’avérer dangereuses pour les passagers s’ils ne suivent pas les consignes de sécurité. Trinity Moss/Unsplash

Turbulences aériennes : le changement climatique va-t-il les amplifier ?

Lors d’un vol de Singapore Airlines, de fortes turbulences ont entraîné des blessées graves et un décès. Quelles sont les raisons de ce phénomène ? Le changement climatique va-t-il les aggraver ?
Boeing a connu plusieurs incidents ces dernières semaines. Maxene Huiyu/Shutterstock

Faut-il s’inquiéter de voler dans des avions Boeing ?

L’entreprise américaine Boeing est synonyme de sécurité des voyages aériens depuis des décennies, mais ces dernières semaines, elle a été confrontée à une grave série de problèmes.
Um avião da LATAM decolando: ainda não se sabe exatamente o que provocou a queda repentina durante o voo, mas a lição que fica para os passageiros é: use sempre seu cinto de segurança Shutterstock

Especialista explica o que houve com voo da LATAM que “simplesmente caiu” no meio da viagem

Não se sabe exatamente o que aconteceu para sacudir violentamente o voo 800 da LATAM, mas a moral para os passageiros é clara: use sempre o cinto de segurança
Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

‘Naked carbs’ and ‘net carbs’ – what are they and should you count them?

All carbs need to be broken down by our digestive enzymes to be absorbed. Digestion of complex carbs is a much slower process than simple carbs, leading to a more gradual blood sugar increase.
The Binung Ma Na Du Cultural Stories and Living Histories on Wakka Wakka Country project

‘It’s about making our children feel proud’: how schools can learn about local Indigenous language and culture

Researchers worked with Wakka Wakka Elders and local community members to co-design curriculum resources for local schools.


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