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Leiden University

Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is one of the leading international research universities in Europe. The University has seven faculties: Law, Archeaology, Social Sciences, Humanities, Medicine, Natural Sciences and Governance & Global Affairs, spread over campuses in both Leiden and The Hague. Our motto is Praesidium Libertatis – Bastion of Freedom.

Leiden University harbors pioneering research and teaching based on a wide diversity of academic disciplines. The university has excellent research facilities and renowned collections, and a strong and intricate knowledge infrastructure. Over 33,000 students and almost 8,000 staff members form an open, active and engaged University community, with a deep-rooted academic freedom and an intrinsic international orientation. They are driven by the desire to know, understand, interpret and create. They work together to answer the questions of today and keep an eye to the questions of tomorrow.


Displaying 21 - 40 of 93 articles

Les berges des zones humides sont souvent colonisées par une végétation émergente qui est progressivement remplacée par une végétation flottante et submergée lorsque l'eau atteint une plus grande profondeur. (Lars L. Iversen)

Les plantes aquatiques, trésors cachés trop souvent oubliés

La pollution urbaine et agricole, la construction de barrages et les sécheresses menacent la survie des plantes aquatiques, qui sont essentielles à la vie dans les rivières, les lacs et les zones humides.
Las orillas de zonas húmedas y encharcadas suelen estar colonizadas por vegetación emergente que va siendo paulatinamente desplazada por vegetación flotante y sumergida conforme la lámina de agua va alcanzando una mayor profundidad. Lars L. Iversen

Las plantas acuáticas, clave para paliar los efectos del cambio global en los ecosistemas más amenazados del planeta

La contaminación por vertidos urbanos y agrícolas, la construcción de presas y las sequías amenazan la supervivencia de las plantas acuáticas, fundamentales para la vida en ríos, lagos y humedales.
Replacing ships like the Moskva will be pricey. The flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet recently sank after suffering damage. Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP

Russia faces first foreign default since 1918 – here’s how it could complicate Putin’s ability to wage war in Ukraine

Russia is on the verge of defaulting on its foreign debt, which not only could have severe economic consequences but could also complicate Putin’s ability to wage a prolonged war in Ukraine.


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