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UCL was established in 1826 to open up education in England for the first time to students of any race, class or religion. Its founding principles of academic excellence and research aimed at addressing real-world problems, inform the university’s ethos to this day.

More than 6,000 academic and research staff are dedicated to research and teaching of the highest standards. Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 29 former academics and graduates and UCL ranks consistently amongst the most-cited universities in the world.

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As London’s Global University, UCL has the opportunity and the obligation to use the breadth of its intellectual expertise to help resolve some of the world’s major problems. We are seizing this opportunity to develop an innovative cross-disciplinary research agenda, which will enable us to understand and address significant issues in their full complexity. Our vision extends beyond the common understanding of what a university is; we aim not just to generate knowledge, but to deliver a culture of wisdom – that is, an academic environment committed to the judicious application of knowledge for the good of humanity.

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Displaying 61 - 80 of 1519 articles

Les médicaments antirétroviraux pourraient diminuer le risque de sclérose en plaques ou atténuer les symptômes de la maladie, selon une nouvelle étude.

Les thérapies anti-VIH pourraient être efficaces contre la sclérose en plaques

Les personnes – et notamment les femmes – infectées par le VIH et suivant une thérapie antirétrovirale présentent un très réduit de développer une sclérose en plaques par rapport à la population générale.
L'action en faveur du climat permettra de réduire la pollution de l'air en Afrique. James Wakibia / Getty Images

Un nouveau rapport montre comment la lutte contre le changement climatique peut améliorer la santé publique en Afrique

L'Afrique peut limiter l'impact du climat sur la santé en prenant 37 mesures approuvées par les ministres de l'environnement.
Russian Central Bank Chief Elvira Nabiullina attends a meeting on economic issues in Moscow in February 2023. Central bank reserves are among the Russian state assets that could be seized under Canadian law. (Dmitry Astakhov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Seizing Russian state assets to rebuild Ukraine: Will it prolong the war, or end it?

Who will pay to rebuild Ukraine? Canada is the first to pass a law allowing Russian state assets to be seized to rebuild Ukraine, but will it discourage Russia from ending the war?
Os países produtores de petróleo deveriam se mover em direção a uma eliminação gradual dos combustíveis fósseis, mas relatório da ONU estimou que, em termos de CO₂, a produção planejada em 2030 deverá ser 110% maior do que a trajetória de eliminação gradual necessária para atingir 1,5°C. John Hanson Pye/Shutterstock

O presidente da COP-28 está errado: a ciência mostra claramente que os combustíveis fósseis precisam acabar

Para evitar o colapso climático, a maior parte do carvão, do petróleo e do gás do mundo deve permanecer no subsolo. Países ricos precisam ajudar na transição energética.
Climate action will check air pollution in Africa. James Wakibia / Getty Images

Tackling climate change can improve public health in Africa – new report highlights how

Africa can check climate impact on health by taking 37 actions endorsed by environment ministers.


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