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University of Cape Town

Located on the slopes of Devil’s Peak in Cape Town, the University of Cape Town is a leading, research-intensive university in South Africa and on the continent, known for its academic excellence and pioneering scholarship. The university is home to a third of South Africa’s A-rated researchers (acknowledged by the Department of Science and Technology as international leaders in their field) and a fifth of the country’s national research chairs. UCT encourages students and staff to use their expertise to speed up social change and economic development across the country and continent, while pursuing the highest standards of excellence in academic knowledge and research: developing African solutions to African challenges that are also shared by developing nations around the world.

UCT, like the city of Cape Town, has a vibrant, cosmopolitan community drawn from all corners of South Africa. It also attracts students and staff from more than 100 countries in Africa and the rest of the world. The university has strong partnerships and networks with leading African and other international institutions - helping to enrich the academic, social and cultural diversity of the campus as well as to extend the reach of UCT’s academic work.


Displaying 21 - 40 of 998 articles

Getty Images

Pourquoi dort-on généralement la nuit ? Que se passe-t-il lorsqu'on ne dort pas ? Conseils d'experts sur cette partie essentielle de notre vie

Le sommeil est un élément essentiel de la vie. Que se passe-t-il lorsque l'on ne dort pas assez et comment s'assurer que l'on dort suffisamment ?
Les tombes des victimes du choléra au cimetière de Chingwele à Lusaka, témoignant de la gravité de l'épidémie en Zambie, l'un des pays les plus touchés en Afrique australe. Photo: Luke Dray/Getty Images.

Pourquoi il y a une pénurie mondiale de vaccins contre le choléra

Le stock mondial de vaccins contre le choléra est épuisé, ce qui est préoccupant pour l'Afrique australe. Quelles sont les raisons et les mesures prises pour remédier aux pénuries en Afrique ?
A group of Enviro-Champs using a velocity plank to measure the depth and discharge of a river. Courtesy DUCT and GroundTruth.

Sewage leaks put South Africa’s freshwater at risk: how citizen scientists are helping clean up

In South Africa, a group of citizen scientists who test water quality and log the results on a specialised app have helped keep the water supply for 4.3 million people clean.
Getty Images

Why do we usually sleep at night? What happens when we don’t sleep? Expert insights into this essential part of our lives

Sleep is an essential part of life. What happens when we don’t get enough sleep and how do we ensure that we do?
The graves of victims who died from cholera in Chingwele Cemetery in Lusaka. Zambia is one of the countries at the epicentre of a devastating outbreak in southern Africa. Luke Dray/Getty Images.

What’s behind the worldwide shortage of cholera vaccines? For starters, they’re only made by one company

The world’s stockpile of cholera vaccines has run dry, bad news for cholera-ravaged southern Africa. Why is this and what is being done to address vaccine shortages in Africa?
A tartaruga gigante de Aldabra espalha sementes de árvores ao defecar, ajudando as sementes a germinar e a restaurar as florestas de Madagascar. Gerard Soury/Getty Images

Madagascar: tartarugas gigantes voltaram 600 anos depois de terem sido exterminadas

A reintrodução de tartarugas gigantes em Madagascar, encontradas pela última vez na ilha há 600 anos, pode ajudar a ilha a mitigar as mudanças climáticas.
The Aldabra giant tortoise spreads tree seeds through defecating, helping the seeds germinate and restore Madagascar’s forests. Gerard Soury/Getty Images

Madagascar: giant tortoises have returned 600 years after they were wiped out

Re-wilding Madagascar with giant tortoises last found on the island 600 years ago could help the island mitigate climate change.


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