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University of the Western Cape

The University of the Western Cape is a national university, alert to its African and international context as it strives to be a place of quality, a place to grow. It is committed to excellence in teaching, learning and research, to nurturing the cultural diversity of South Africa, and to responding in critical and creative ways to the needs of a society in transition.

Drawing on its proud experience in the liberation struggle, the university is aware of a distinctive academic role in helping build an equitable and dynamic society. In particular it aims to: advance and protect the independence of the academic enterprise.

Design curricular and research programmes appropriate to its southern African context.

Further global perspectives among its staff and students, thereby strengthening intellectual life and contributing to South Africa’s reintegration in the world community.

Assist educationally disadvantaged students gain access to higher education and succeed in their studies.

Nurture and use the abilities of all in the university community.

Develop effective structures and conventions of governance, which are democratic, transparent and accountable.

Seek racial and gender equality and contribute to helping the historically marginalised participate fully in the life of the nation.

Encourage and provide opportunities for lifelong learning through programmes and courses.

Help conserve and explore the environmental and cultural resources of the southern African region, and to encourage a wide awareness of these resources in the community.

Co-operate fully with other stakeholders to develop an excellent, and therefore transformed, higher education system.


Displaying 101 - 120 of 328 articles

Food insecurity is a daily reality for millions of South Africans. Community organisations can help. Dino Lloyd/Gallo Images via Getty Images

Civil society groups can help fix South Africa’s food system if they’re given a seat at the table

These organisations are ideally placed to contribute their fine-grained local knowledge. They intimately understand the specific needs of the most vulnerable in their communities.
Former Nelson Mandela Bay Mayor Athol Trollip, from the DA, third from left, and his deputy Mongameli Bobani, from the UDM, extreme right, help clean up a street in 2017. by Werner Hills/Foto24/Gallo Images/Getty Images

Marriages of inconvenience: the fraught politics of coalitions in South Africa

South Africa’s political parties would do well to learn from Ireland, where the three largest political parties negotiated a coalition treaty that stipulated mechanisms for conflict resolution.
By better communicating how vaccines boost the immune system’s long term “memory”, manufacturers could address vaccine hesitancy. i_am_zews/Shutterstock

COVID-19 vaccines produce T-cell immunity that lasts and works against virus variants

Cell-mediated immunity is particularly effective at eradicating viruses, and more durable. This is important in the fight against COVID-19.
A healthcare worker performs a nasal swab as he tests a woman for COVID-19 in Bamako, Mali. Annie Risemberg/AFP via Getty Images

Poor nutrition changes the way a body fights infection: this might protect against severe COVID-19

Deficient leptin levels caused by malnutrition might protect against severe COVID-19 and related death. This could be another reason for the lower than expected COVID-19 deaths in Africa.


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