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L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa

L'Université d'Ottawa /The University of Ottawa—Un carrefour d'idées et de culture/A crossroads of cultures and ideas

Un carrefour d’idées et de cultures L’Université d’Ottawa compte plus de 50 000 étudiants, professeurs et employés administratifs qui vivent, travaillent et étudient en français et en anglais. Notre campus est un véritable carrefour des cultures et des idées, où les esprits audacieux se rassemblent pour relancer le débat et faire naître des idées transformatrices. Nous sommes l’une des 10 meilleures universités de recherche du Canada; nos professeurs et chercheurs explorent de nouvelles façons de relever les défis d’aujourd’hui. Classée parmi les 200 meilleures universités du monde, l’Université d’Ottawa attire les plus brillants penseurs et est ouverte à divers points de vue provenant de partout dans le monde.

The University of Ottawa is home to over 50,000 students, faculty and staff, who live, work and study in both French and English. Our campus is diverse with more than 300 undergraduate programs and 150 graduate degrees in 10 faculties. The university has an extensive co-op program boasting a 95 per cent placement rate. Our campus is a crossroads of cultures and ideas, where bold minds come together to inspire game-changing ideas. We are one of Canada’s top 10 research universities—our professors and researchers explore new approaches to today’s challenges. Ranked among the top 150 universities in the world, we attract exceptional thinkers and welcome diverse perspectives from across the globe.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 467 articles

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization, delivers his statement during the opening of the World Health Assembly, which took place in Geneva from May 27 to June 1. (Salvatore Di Nolfi/Keystone via AP)

Historic amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations create a path towards an equitable pandemic treaty

The WHO’s International Health Regulations are the world’s only existing international legal agreement focused exclusively on preventing and addressing infectious disease outbreaks across borders.
Le United States Preventive Services Task Force, la Société canadienne du cancer et plusieurs provinces canadiennes recommandent désormais le dépistage du cancer du sein chez les femmes âgées de 40 à 49 ans, mais ce n’est pas le cas des nouvelles lignes directrices du Groupe d’étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs. (Shutterstock)

Les nouvelles lignes directrices sur le cancer du sein, qui déconseillent le dépistage chez les femmes de 40 ans, sont-elles mal fondées ?

La détection précoce est cruciale dans la lutte contre le cancer du sein. Pourtant, les nouvelles lignes directrices du Groupe d’étude canadien ne préconisent pas le dépistage chez les femmes de 40 ans.
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre delivers a speech at the Canada Building Trades Union conference in April 2024 in Gatineau, Québec. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Poilievre’s suggestion that businesses should lobby the people, not government, is problematic

Requiring businesses to lobby through the people, not government, as Pierre Poilievre recently suggested, may sound like a better way to make policy. It’s not.
Sensibiliser et éduquer les jeunes face à l’usage quotidien du téléphone intelligent est préférable à son interdiction unilatérale de nos salles de classe. La Presse Canadienne | Rick Bowmer

Téléphone intelligent à l’école : l’interdiction n’est pas l’unique solution

Bien qu’il faille en effet encadrer l’usage du téléphone intelligent en classe, son interdiction unilatérale n’est pas nécessairement une bonne chose, pointent Luc Bonneville et Diane Riddell.
The United States Preventive Services Task Force, the Canadian Cancer Society and several Canadian provinces now endorse breast cancer screening for women ages 40-49, but the new guidelines from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care do not. (Shutterstock)

Ignoring reason and evidence: Why new breast cancer guidelines advising against screening women in their 40s are misguided

Early detection is crucial in the fight against breast cancer. Yet the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care’s new guidelines do not endorse breast cancer screening for women in their 40s.
While climate change presents obstacles for children’s physical activity levels, there are ways to help children and youth stay active while building resilience. (Shutterstock)

Climate change is a new hurdle for children’s physical activity levels in Canada

The changing climate is an added barrier to getting children and youth in Canada to meet the minimum guidelines for being physically active.
Companies can do more if they truly want to support healthier dietary patterns among adults and children in Canada. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Cole Burston

How big food companies can do more to create healthier food environments

Many food and beverage companies are not doing enough to positively shape diets in Canada, while positive examples show that public health commitments are achievable.
The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals were designed to address extreme poverty, social inequality, the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity. (Shutterstock)

GDP is not enough to measure a country’s development. What if we used the Sustainable Development Goals instead?

Can the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) help replace traditional growth measures like GDP?
Demonstrators gathered on Parliament Hill in 1975 calling for equal pay and equal child custody rights for LGBTQ+ parents. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Bill Grimshaw

How a digital archive is preserving Canada’s history of LGBTQ+ activism

The Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada project uses a new online database to record the events, places, people, organizations and publications that have formed Canada’s LGBTQ+ rights movement.
Nigel Farage, former leader of the UK Independence Party, speaks during the National Conservatism conference in Brussels on April 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)

How not to counter the radical right

Trying to silence the radical right isn’t the way forward. Not only is it likely to backfire, it will probably galvanize the movement’s leaders.
Considering how to reduce the impact of conflicts of interest on psychedelic studies is essential to avoid public health risks. (Shutterstock)

How corporate involvement in psychedelic research could threaten public safety

Substantial economic growth in the psychedelic drugs market has drawn interest from corporations and start-ups. While this may accelerate research, it also sparks concerns about conflicts of interest.
Women who receive obstetric and gynecological care must be heard when they say that they have received inadequate, violent treatment. (Shutterstock)

Obstetric and gynecological violence: Empowering patients to recognize and prevent it

Obstetric and gynecological violence is care that is violent, disrespectful, abusive or neglectful. At its heart is the absence of consent, or consent without having received appropriate information.
Les objectifs de développement durable ont été conçus pour pallier à la pauvreté extrême, aux inégalités sociales, à la crise climatique et à la perte de biodiversité. (Shutterstock)

Le PIB n’est pas suffisant pour mesurer le développement d’un pays. Et si on le remplaçait par les objectifs de développement durable ?

Est-ce que les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) peuvent contribuer à remplacer les mesures de croissance traditionnelle comme le PIB ?
Hanadi Alashi points to Palestinian family members in a photo at her home in Ottawa on Dec. 1, 2023. Alashi is one of many Canadians who have applied for family members to come to Canada under a special extended family visa program created in response to the conflict in Gaza. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Spencer Colby

Asylum seekers from Gaza and Sudan face prejudiced policies and bureaucratic hurdles

Refugee programs in Canada have always been politicized, but more so in recent years, evidenced in discrepancies between programs for refugees from Gaza and Sudan and those from Ukraine.
Gaps in coverage of vaccine-preventable diseases like measles are having significant impacts on global public health. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Measles is a humanitarian issue, and its unwelcome reappearance in Canada is a reminder of its importance

Any upsurge in measles is of real concern, but in settings aggravated by poor living conditions and malnutrition, it can be disastrous. It can affect adults, but young children are at particular risk.
Will Beyoncé’s new album help to break down racial barriers in the country music industry? Here she performs during the ‘On The Run’ tour on July 18, 2014 in Houston, Texas. (Photo by Aaron M. Sprecher/Invision for Parkwood Entertainment/AP Images)

Beyoncé’s ‘Cowboy Carter’ transmits joy, honours legends and challenges a segregated industry

Beyoncé’s country-inspired album has caused a stir because the country music scene has a history of racial segregation that has erased its Black roots and gatekept it from Black artists.
A Toronto police officer adjusts police tape at the scene of a quadruple shooting in downtown Toronto in September 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Spencer Colby

Tackling the causes of crime, not sending more people to jail, is the only way to fight it

There are proven ways to significantly reduce violent crime within the next five years. It requires becoming not “tough on crime,” but “smart on crime” before it happens.
Some fault teachers for an inability to restrict phone use at school. But both students and some parents resist this, and problems far exceed in-class distraction. A student puts her phone in a holder at Delta High School in Delta, Utah, in February 2024. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

School board social media lawsuits: For too long we’ve sought individual solutions to a collective problem

Four Canadian school boards are suing social media giants. This comes as 95 per cent of Ontario schools report needing more resources to support student mental health.


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