I am an applied social scientist with training in anthropology and ecology. I have interests in sustainability, food systems and security, and social and environmental justice. I collaborate with communities across North America, from Alaska to to Mexico, Saskatchewan to Georgian Bay, on projects related to food security, conflict, environmental stewardship, and social justice.
My first book, "Finding our Niche: Toward a Restorative Human Ecology," will release in Fall, 2020, from Fernwood Publishing. Find out more at http://findingournichebook.com
Associate Professor and Arrell Chair in Food, Policy, and Society, University of Guelph
Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan
Research assistant professor, University of Alaska
University of Alaska Fairbanks, PhD, Indigenous Studies, Resilience and Adaptation Program
University of Alaska Fairbanks, MA, Anthropology
Florida Atlantic University, Liberal Studies
Professional Memberships
American Fisheries Society, Lifetime Member
American Association for the Advancement of Science