Benny Zuse Rousso, Griffith University and Regina Souter, Griffith University
William Partlett, The University of Melbourne
Philip Johnson, Flinders University
Jiaru Tang, Queensland University of Technology and Patrik Wikström, Queensland University of Technology
Richard Orton, University of Glasgow and Wilhelm Furnon, University of Glasgow
David T. Hill, Murdoch University
Alexander Howard, University of Sydney
Jenna Russo, City University of New York
Robin Ireland, University of Glasgow
Andrea Carson, La Trobe University
Rob Nicholls, University of Sydney
Amanda Lotz, Queensland University of Technology
Kristy Hess, Deakin University
Sharolyn Anderson, University of South Australia
Elizabeth Sinclair, The University of Western Australia; Gary Kendrick, The University of Western Australia; Martin Breed, Flinders University; Patricia Oakley, Indigenous Knowledge, and Sean McNeair, Indigenous Knowledge
Anthony Waddle, Macquarie University
Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra
Saul Justin Newman, UCL
Philip Laird, University of Wollongong
Emma Beckett, UNSW Sydney
Rob Brooks, UNSW Sydney
Alice Clement, Flinders University and John Long, Flinders University
Adam Taylor, Lancaster University
University of Tasmania
RMIT University
University of Technology Sydney