The Conversation

Corrections & Complaints

Making a complaint

Complaints should be emailed to Please be courteous and respectful. Abusive or aggressive emails will not receive a response.


When a complaint is received, the editor responsible for the article will assess your complaint and discuss it with the author.

If the editor and author agree there was an error, a correction will be published. If the author and editor find no significant error, your complaint will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome of your complaint.

Complex complaints

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of a complaint, you may contact the Editor-in-Chief.

If the Editor-in-Chief is unable to resolve the complaint, they may refer it to the Chair of the Editorial Board and, you will be invited to make a further submission, if required.

The Chair of the Editorial Board, at the Chair's sole discretion, may:

  • assess the complaint and recommend a response;
  • refer the matter to the Editorial Board for determination;
  • convene an investigation panel; or
  • refer the complaint to the author's University for action.

An investigation panel may be convened when subject matter experts are required. An investigation panel will investigate complaints and provide its findings to the Editorial Board.

All decisions of the Board will be final.

Right of reply

Anyone is invited to join the conversation about an article in its comments section, including to exercise a right of reply. The Editor-in-Chief may elect to elevate a right of reply to the first comment.