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Purdue University

Purdue University, a top public research institution, offers higher education at its highest proven value. Committed to affordability, the university has frozen tuition and most fees at 2012-13 levels. Purdue has about 40,000 students at its West Lafayette campus and was ranked as the fourth best public university in the nation by the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Rankings 2019. With 25 alumni who became astronauts, including the first and last person on the moon, Purdue is known as the “Cradle of Astronauts.” Committed to pursuing scientific discoveries and engineered solutions, Purdue has streamlined pathways for faculty and student innovators who have a vision for moving the world forward.


Displaying 141 - 159 of 159 articles

Un hombre camina por un invernadero al noreste de Uganda, donde se enseñan técnicas de agricultura sostenible, como cultivos resistentes a las sequías y plantación de árboles. Fotografía del 19 de octubre de 2017. AP Photo/Adelle Kalakouti

El hambre mundial aumenta por tercer año consecutivo debido al cambio climático

Tras bajar durante una década, el número de personas que pasan hambre vuelve a crecer. La principal causa es el cambio climático, que altera los patrones climáticos de los que depende la agricultura.
A man walks through a greenhouse in northeastern Uganda where sustainable agriculture techniques such as drought-resistant crops and tree planting are taught, Oct. 19, 2017. AP Photo/Adelle Kalakouti

World hunger has risen for three straight years, and climate change is a cause

After declining for nearly a decade, the number of hungry people in the world is growing again. Climate change, which is disrupting weather patterns that farmers rely on, is a major cause.
El fértil y montañoso terreno del eje cafetero de Colombia sufre el tremendo impacto de los cambios climáticos, como implacables tormentas y más altas temperaturas. Eddy Milfort/flickr, CC BY-SA, CC BY

Cafeteros en Colombia luchan por adaptarse a un clima cambiante

La industria cafetera de Colombia está bajo riesgo debido a los cambios climáticos. Los agricultores tratan de adaptarse a estos, pero necesitan ayuda.
The fertile, mountainous terrain of Colombia’s coffee-producing central region is vulnerable to climate change impacts such as stronger storms and hotter temperatures. Eddy Milfort/flickr

Coffee farmers struggle to adapt to Colombia’s changing climate

Colombia’s coffee industry is at risk due to unpredictable seasons, floods, landslides, droughts and pests. Farmers say they want to learn to adapt to these environmental changes but don’t know how.
A vaccine (toxoid) against diphtheria first became available in Toronto in 1926. Thanks to the work of the Toronto Diphtheria Committee, the city was diphtheria-free by 1940. (Shutterstock)

How to increase childhood vaccination rates

Toronto’s fight against diptheria teaches us the powerful impact of public health campaigns – in persuading parents to vaccinate their children.
Soil has many secrets: technology can help reveal its mysteries. Martin Bridgen

Open soil science: technology is helping us discover the mysteries under our feet

Mapping the soil with open source application is vital to understanding how to protect it.
Horror director Wes Craven was perhaps best known for his Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream series. Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

Wes Craven: the scream of our times

His tombstone may say Craven, but the director carved a bold and memorable niche in the horror genre.
Students are moving into their dorms. How best can they learn? Tulane Publications

Why there is value in on-campus living

Students heading back to school face a wide variety of choices in housing. Multiple studies have shown how on-campus living can enhance learning.
To avoid a ‘food versus fuel’ conflict, researchers are exploring bioenergy crops optimized for biofuel. Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center

Will low oil prices be the downfall of cellulosic biofuels?

Over the past decade, there have numerous efforts to replace petroleum-based fuels with fuel made from plants, or biofuels. One challenge to commercializing biofuel made from non-food sources — called…
Prices of gas are approaching $2 a gallon. Does that make it a good time to raise the gas tax? Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Why hiking the US gasoline tax is back on the table

It is well known that the US has a major infrastructure problem with our national highway system. Many of our bridges are in a very poor state of repair and highway maintenance is not keeping up with needs…


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