Jeffrey is an infrastructure economist with a background in engineering and a systems thinking philosophy. His focus is on energy, electricity, and transportation infrastructure networks as part of the broader economy. Jeffrey is currently a James S. McDonnell Postdoctoral Fellow in Complex Systems in the Management Science & Engineering department at Stanford University.
Jeffrey has a PhD in energy, resource, and environmental economics, Master's degrees in both transportation systems engineering and economics, and a Bachelor's in aerospace engineering. His research focuses on how infrastructure systems consume resources and produce emissions. He's also interested in infrastructure and economic resilience.
Jeffrey was invited as one of the top 500 young economists worldwide to attend the 5th Lindau Meeting with Nobel Laureates in Economic Sciences. He also published reports and advised the US Congress as a research associate at the Congressional Research Service. Jeffrey co-founded TEDxPurdueU which now attracts over 1,000 people annually to informative talks on science, technology, and innovation.
James S. McDonnell Fellow in Complex Systems, Invited to the 5th Lindau Meeting of the Nobel Laureates on Economic Sciences, Global Policy Research Institute Student Ambassador, NEXTRANS Outstanding Student of the Year Award