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The University of Edinburgh

Founded in 1583, the University of Edinburgh is one of the world’s top universities. It is globally recognised for its research, development and high-quality teaching, attracting some of the world’s leading thinkers to work and study. The University is one of the UK’s top five universities for research and its academics’ research achievements have global implications. Its scientists created Dolly the Sheep, the first mammal to be genetically cloned from an adult cell. The University developed the first genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccine, pioneered the first automated industrial assembly robot, and devised technology used in today’s smartphones. It is working towards many more historic firsts. With one of the most diverse populations of any Scottish University, two thirds of the world’s nationalities are represented in a student body of more than 31,000.


Displaying 321 - 340 of 363 articles

Can CCS cast a new light on fossil fuel-fired power stations? Alan Murray-Rust

A step forward for CCS, but much greater strides are needed

Despite the evidence that shows greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels are leading to changes in the planet’s climate, the development of large scale technologies to slow or stop these effects has…
I for one welcome our new TB-resistant bovine overlords. MarclSchauer/Shutterstock

Gene study paves the way to breed more TB-resistant cows

Despite scientists’ intensive efforts over many decades, bovine tuberculosis continues to be a problem in many parts of the world, not least in England, where it leads to the slaughter of thousands of…
Glimpses of horror: while the West watches, Syria burns. SIcco2007

Syrians suffer as world plays politics with humanitarian aid

The humanitarian crisis in Syria is no longer news. It is simple fact: tragedy writ large, as cities burn and lives are ruined. Our eyes may widen at the sheer scale of this destruction: four million people…
Puzzled? Stuck? Or just apathetic? Scotland’s undecideds. David Cheskin/PA Wire

Hard evidence: who are Scotland’s undecideds on independence?

A lot of things have been said about those who have not made their minds up yet with regards to whether they will vote yes or no in this year’s referendum on Scotland’s constitutional future. Sometimes…
Team GB’s gold medal hopes are pinned on the Scottish curling team. Benson Kua

Curling: how the Scots keep Team GB medal hopes on ice

Jenny Jones’ bronze medal in the women’s snowboard slopestyle has rekindled excitement in Britain for the Sochi games following much controversy over the cost and human rights and security fears in Russia…
Children are already experimenting. Teachers need the skills to keep up. San Jose Library

Teachers need confidence to teach coding properly

Michael Gove is ploughing ahead with plans to gather an elite team of computer science experts to help bring coding into schools. He has rightly acknowledged that teaching programming in schools is vital…
They’ve got their own issues. Chicago Man

Getting older doesn’t make you more conservative

Seventy years ago Swedish sociologist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Alva Myrdal pointed out in Nation and Family the generational bias inherent in democratic political systems: young voters will be old…
Can President Museveni be persuaded to veto the bill? UK department of International Development

Homophobic bill a festive gift for Uganda’s Pentecostal churches

The passing of the anti-homosexuality bill (AHB) has been dubbed a surprise Christmas present to Uganda’s large and powerful Pentecostal-charismatic community, but last week’s law banning homosexuality…
Doesn’t look exotic, but it could. richard_jones

Scientists make exotic chemicals from salt, rewrite textbooks

Everything around you is made of elements that scientists have studied in quite some detail over the last 200 years. But all that understanding breaks down when these elements are subjected to high pressure…
Old people aren’t museum relics. Mr Push

Hard Evidence: can we afford an ageing population?

Stories about “population ageing” often have a number of things in common – it is bad, it is new, and it will overwhelm us all. The major fear is a burden of cost and caring that more older people will…
A budding romance? Ed Yourdon

The iPod zombies are more switched on than you think

Teenagers get a bad rap for zoning out on their iPods at every given opportunity, but they may not be the unsociable narcissists they are often portrayed as. In fact, they are often skilled users who manage…
We tend to think that only ovaries produce oestrogen. Hey Paul Studios

The brain also produces the sex hormone oestrogen

The female sex hormone oestrogen can be produced and released from the brain as well as the ovaries, according to a study. The research, recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience, shows that the…


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