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The University of Queensland

The University of Queensland is a pace-setter in discovery and translational research, and is committed to teaching excellence and outstanding mentorship that leads to well-rounded graduates who are equipped to live and work effectively in a global environment. UQ is a global top 50 university and Queensland’s biggest.


Displaying 2861 - 2880 of 2958 articles

Two strikes - a term borrowed from baseball, now being applied to Australian executive pay. EPA/Arleen Ng

‘Two strikes’ law for shareholders, but will it curb executive pay?

Australia’s new “two strikes” law giving shareholders more power to curb excessive executive pay packets, promises to shake up some businesses. Homewares company GUD Holdings has already been hit with…
Beef processing contributed to Cargill’s $US2.7 billion in earnings this year. AAP

The most powerful companies you’ve never heard of: Cargill

Welcome to “The most powerful companies you’ve never heard of” – an ongoing series from The Conversation that sheds light on big companies with low profiles. Today, The University of Queensland’s Clive…
Is enough being done to analyse industry’s effects on the environment? howardignatius

What is Gladstone’s LNG development really doing to the environment?

The Queensland port city of Gladstone has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately. Fish and other marine life have been infected by a strange parasite that seemed to make the leap to humans…
Working to improve the performance of the resources sector is a challenging, yet important research focus. AFP/Christian Sprogoe/Rio Tinto

Research funding does not have to equal industry bias

There is common assumption that those of us who undertake applied research with the commercial world must be biased. This month the University of Queensland’s Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI), which…
Telstra chief executive David Thodey at Telstra’s annual general meeting where shareholders voted for an $11 billion NBN deal. AAP

Telstra agrees to NBN deal, but ACCC hovers

Telstra shareholders have agreed to an $11 billion deal today that will hand over the telco’s fixed line network to NBN Co. Under the deal, Telstra will decommission its copper line network as customers…
Despite strong export data, Australia’s trade relationship with China isn’t as developed as we think. AAP

Why Australia’s trade relationship with China remains at ground level

AUSTRALIA IN ASIA: In the seventh part of our series, James Laurenceson looks at the challenges in doing business with China. The headline numbers surrounding Australia’s exports to China make for impressive…
The scorecard for Google+ to date shows pluses and minuses. Birgerking.

Why aren’t we using Google+?

Features are not friends. That’s the simple message to Google+ from 40 University of Queensland students after using the system since its invite-only launch in July. To say the service’s fortunes to date…
London trader Alessio Rastani has told the BBC he “dreamed” of recession. But traders often don’t know how they’ll react to losses. YouTube

‘Dreaming’ of recession: what to make of market makers and their noise?

Trading in financial securities has sometimes been regarded as a “black box”. This is particularly the case in markets where there is increased uncertainty. The current world economy is a prime candidate…
Coal seam gas mining can create 5 million litres of “produced” water per well. Jeremy Buckingham MLC

National Water Commission calls for a closer look at fracking

Last week, the Federal Government’s National Water Commission (NWC) delivered its third biannual assessment of the national water initiative (NWI). And for the first time, the NWC is looking seriously…
As Australia gets warmer and drier, koalas will struggle to survive. JSFauxtography

Koalas, people and climate change: not a good mix

On 22 September, a Senate inquiry released its report, The koala - saving our national icon. The inquiry made 19 recommendations, and called for more funding for koala research. The environment minister…
The most promising interventions to curb obesity’s prevalence target the population as a whole rather than individuals. Tobyotter

Stemming the obesity epidemic requires courageous, population-level action

Non-communicable diseases – Lennert Veerman examines the reasons for the obesity epidemic and options for controlling it. Obesity levels are on the rise the world over. This is a sign that something is…
Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi wants closer ties with China - but Europe shouldn’t believe this will save the EU. AAP

Why China won’t – and can’t – save the Eurozone

Earlier this week, reports emerged that Italian finance officials had held talks with their Chinese counterparts regarding the possibility of China making significant purchases of Italy’s public debt…
Does the finance industry rely too heavily on contestable economic data? AAP

The problem with our economic data addiction

People who work in business and finance are obsessed with economic data releases – GDP growth figures, unemployment rates, trade statistics, and so on. Business journalists, investors, financial analysts…


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