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University of Victoria

The University of Victoria is one of Canada’s top research universities. It’s renowned for research impact and dynamic learning opportunities. UVic is located in Victoria, British Columbia, on the edge of Canada’s spectacular west coast - a gateway to the Pacific Rim.

It is consistently ranked North America’s top university for published research based on international collaboration. It’s also home to the world-leading Ocean Networks Canada, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, Institute for Integrated Energy Systems, and the world’s only joint Indigenous law program.

Strong partnerships connect UVic to communities at home and around the world. It’s frequently honoured for its comprehensive academic programming. It is also known as Canada’s best comprehensive university for preparing students for the global workplace.

UVic is committed to global connections. Its faculty, staff and students partner with over 300 institutions in 70 countries.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 181 articles

Bagi para profesional muda yang bekerja di bawah atasan yang lebih tua, menjalani budaya ‘kerja kuda’ yang hiruk pikuk (‘hustle culture’) bisa menjadi sebuah tantangan, namun bukan tidak mungkin dilakukan. (Shutterstock)

Bagaimana berkembang di tempat kerja saat bos menuntutmu ‘kerja keras bagai kuda’?

Sebagai seorang profesional muda, menjalani budaya ‘kerja kuda’ di tempat kerja merupakan suatu tantangan, namun bukan tidak mungkin.
A man stands next to a poster of the movie ‘Article 370’ displayed at a theater in Guwahati, India. The movie is about the status of Jammu and Kashmir, a highly contested region in Northern India, and the film has been criticized for distorting history. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath)

In India, film and social media play recurring roles in politics

On today’s Don’t Call Me Resilient podcast, political scientist Sikata Banerjee and cinema studies scholar Rakesh Sengupta explain how cinema and social media in India may be helping to sway voters.
Les impacts des changements climatiques dans les communautés s’accentuent et tendent à accroitre les inégalités associées. La Presse canadienne/Graham Hughes

Il faut éviter que la lutte contre la crise climatique ne creuse davantage les inégalités

La transition écologique peut parfois se faire au détriment des communautés marginalisées. Toute démarche d’action climatique doit donc prendre en compte les enjeux d’équité et de justice.
Canada is an expensive place to live, and many would struggle to meet the financial costs of getting divorced. (Shutterstock)

Divorce rates are falling: Are Canadians too poor to break up?

While multiple factors play a role in falling divorce rates, the costs of separation make going it alone a daunting prospect for many Canadians.
Aamjiwnaang children celebrate Indigenous peoples’ day on the community baseball field across from Ineos Styrolution. (Laurence Butet-Roch)

Meaningful engagement is the key to achieving Bill C-226’s goal of ending environmental racism in Canada

The federal government’s proposed Bill C-226 could be an important first step in addressing environmental racism, but only if communities are involved.
Chrystia Freeland, ministre des Finances, présente le budget fédéral à la Chambre des communes à Ottawa, le 16 avril 2024. Le budget contient des mesures pour les jeunes qui souhaitent accéder à la propriété. La Presse canadienne/Adrian Wyld

Le budget fédéral respecte-t-il la promesse de rétablir l’équité avec les jeunes générations ?

Le gouvernement fédéral souhaite aider les jeunes générations à relever les défis de l’accessibilité au logement et du coût élevé de la vie. Le budget tient-il ses promesses ?
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland presents the federal budget in the House of Commons in Ottawa on April 16, 2024. The budget contains measures for younger Canadians seeking to buy homes. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Canadian federal budget 2024: Does it deliver on ‘generational fairness’ promise for Gen Z and Millennials?

The federal government says it’s committed to addressing the challenges faced by younger generations, including housing affordability and the high cost of living. Does the budget deliver on its promises?
Pacific herring swimming through a bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) forest on Vancouver Island, B.C. (Fernando Lessa)

Why some of British Columbia’s kelp forests are in more danger than others

Kelp forests around the world, and in Canada, are under threat. New research sheds further light on the health, and resilience, of these crucial ecosystems.
Anti-carbon tax protesters wave signs and chant slogans as they block a westbound lane of the Trans Canada Highway near Cochrane, Alta., April 1, 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

Big government, big trouble? Defending the future of Canada’s climate policy

Why the public resistance to carbon tax policies? New research suggests a few key factors that may play a role in influencing popular support for carbon tax efforts in Canada.
Person-centred care means treating people who face health issues as valued partners in health systems. (Priscilla du Preez/Unsplash)

Person-centred health care means ensuring that affected communities are leaders and partners in research

Research partnerships with the people and communities affected help to challenge health inequities, and support person-centred care in health systems.
En 2019, une douzaine d’employés de Boeing avaient exprimé des inquiétudes quant au processus de fabrication et de sécurité de l’entreprise. (Shutterstock)

Mort d’un lanceur d’alerte chez Boeing : la culture corporative nord-américaine montrée du doigt

Les lanceurs d’alerte jouent un rôle crucial dans le maintien de la responsabilité et de l’intégrité au sein de notre société. Toutefois, nous ne leur facilitons pas la tâche.
Fostering belonging for Indigenous students through courses, as well as through dedicated campus spaces, matters. First Peoples House at University of Victoria. (UVic Photos)

How a first-year university writing course for Indigenous students fostered skills and belonging

It’s possible to work with restricted resources to design and implement creative initiatives to serve the particular needs of Indigenous students at university.
Pumpjacks draw out oil and gas from wellheads near Calgary on April 28, 2023. A recent bill proposing a ban on fossil-fuel ads has drawn the ire of the oil and gas industry. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

Bill C-372: Banning fossil fuel ads does not go far enough

Bill C-372 does not curtail free speech and, if anything, demonstrates how banning fossil fuel ads does not go nearly far enough.


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