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Professor of Public Policy, UCL

Sandy Oliver is Professor of Public Policy at University College London. For thirty-five years, her interests have focused on the interaction between people making decisions together in their professional and personal lives. Alongside this, she has been developing methods to collate knowledge from whole bodies of research – systematic reviews – not just single studies to inform those decisions. This work has combined the strengths of two social movements: evidence-informed everything and inclusive approaches to research and decision making. It has taken her on a journey spanning community activism, public sector outreach, socio-economic development, research methodology, indigenous knowledge, and blended ways of learning. Sandy consistently looks for the big picture, by synthesising knowledge from various academic traditions and from people who see issues from different perspectives.


  • 2007–present
    Professor, University College London


  • 2007 
    Higher Education Academy, Fellow
  • 1981 
    University of Surrey , PhD
  • 1976 
    University of York, BA