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Lancaster University

Lancaster University is a research intensive university ranked in the UK’s top ten. Around 16,000 students from more than 100 countries choose to study at Lancaster because of our excellent reputation for research, teaching and student satisfaction. Lancaster is a truly global community with international collaborations all over the world and teaching partnerships in China, Malaysia, Ghana and Germany.


Displaying 1221 - 1240 of 1249 articles

Chin up, mate, there’s money to be made. marsmet473a

Cybersecurity isn’t all about doom and gloom

Much is made in the press of the devastating effects that weak cybersecurity is having on the economy in the UK and globally. We regularly see news articles about companies having their secrets stolen…
New rules on hoarding will help fight hunger in India. rajkumar1220

WTO Bali deal offers more symbolism than substance

The recent World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting in Bali concluded on Saturday morning with an agreement on what is being termed the “Bali package”. So it seems there is still life in the WTO yet. Director…
Yep, looks like you’ve got too many browser windows open. eliz.avery

After the laughter comes a serious role for the SmartWig

Want to move your slide presentation on? Just raise an eyebrow and let your SmartWig flip to the next graph on your behalf. Well, not yet perhaps, but this is one of the ideas behind Sony’s surprising…
Is religion a relic of the past? Saffron Blaze

British faith today: open to the spirit, closed to religion

All sorts of claims about religious decline are flying around at the moment, from George Carey’s comment that the Church of England is “one generation away from extinction” to Richard Dawkins’ comments…
Safety first, but which kind of safety? peretzp

Stuxnet is scary, but human safety should come first

Critical national infrastructure keeps our water and electricity flowing, our payments running and our manufacturing and distribution moving. This infrastructure faces a new threat in the form of cyber-attacks…
Egg on face? Don’t look so surprised. Anirbas_84

Obamacare web fiasco won’t be the last big IT fail – the web-based manifestation of Obamacare – launched last month to numerous and widely-publicised problems including long wait times, corrupted data and nonfunctional buttons. Although…
Change might bring an end to school holiday traffic, and less welcome, unintended changes. samsaundersleeds

School holiday shakeup brings unintended consequences

Michael Gove’s proposal to allow all schools in England to set their own holidays is part of a bill aimed at removing “unnecessary burdens” and regulations. But removing some burdens could create others…
Still could go one way or another. Harsh Vardhan

Expert warns caution over possibility of Alzheimer’s pill

It has been described as a historical “turning point” in Alzheimer’s treatment - the first time a chemical has been found that can halt the death of brain tissue in a neurodegenerative disease, and could…
Green shoots, or cash? Lewis Whyld/PA

Green Conservatism shriveled after banks went to the wall

As Conservatives head to Manchester for their annual party conference this weekend, it seems a very long time since David Cameron, then newly-elected party leader, urged the electorate to “Vote Blue, Go…
Now, where did I leave my keys? Ah, yes, in my left skin pocket. Ted Eytan

Not long now before on-body gadgets get under your skin

My Dad used to say that if he had a pocket somewhere on his skin he’d keep a torch in it. I thought it was weird at the time but as my eyesight has dimmed, I get what he was on about. Now it’s a mobile…
Perfect parking has a human cost. Steve Jurvetson

Self-driving cars will change more than just our roads

It seems that self-driving vehicles will be with us quite soon. Google has been practising letting go of the wheel on its autonomous cars for some time now, Nissan has recently promised self-driving cars…
Warfare 2.0 doesn’t require much more than a laptop. DFectuoso

The Syrian Electronic Army is rewriting the rules of war

In Dragon Day – a provocative new movie on release in the US in November – we see the consequences of a “cyber 9/11”. China has attacked the critical infrastructure of the US in a large-scale cyber-attack…
Cyber-bullies can have access to potential victims round-the-clock. wentongg

With the right tech, online bullies can be outsmarted

Recent revelations about the frequency with which children experience cyber-bullying have caused alarm among parents, advertisers that feature on social media sites and even the Prime Minister. Social…
Lindisfarne Castle, Northumbria - one of many beautiful places in the “desolate” North East. Owen Humphreys/PA

Neither fracking nor anything else should divide us further

The recent comments from former government energy policy advisor David Howell, Lord Howell of Guildford, on the suitability of different parts of England for fracking amply demonstrate how off-the-cuff…
Know your enemy: trolls come in many shapes and sizes. Dunechaser

Minor irritant or real threat? Time to decide what a troll is

Somewhere around 2010, the concept of trolling arrived in the national consciousness with a flurry of news stories: the hateful tweet Tom Daley received about his father during the Olympics; the defacement…
Don’t bust out the champagne yet: not everyone will be able to afford it. Toni Blay

Recovery may not be enough to fix unemployment

With economic “green shoots” appearing, you might expect to see improvements in the labour market, with higher wages and lower unemployment. But don’t get the champagne out just yet: this crisis isn’t…


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