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University of Leicester

We think a university should be about empowering people to explore what they don’t know; through passionate, dedicated teaching and innovative, world-changing research. By embracing the fact that we’re all coming at it from a slightly different place, and that every journey is personal, we’ve managed to achieve some remarkable results in our time.

We believe that the best universities are not just the privilege of elites. We’re proof that you can stand alongside the best and open up the competition for everyone.

Some universities consider their primary purpose to be high quality research, others concentrate on excellent teaching. At Leicester we think that the two are not only complementary, they’re inseparable. We believe that teaching is more inspirational when delivered by passionate scholars engaged in world-changing research – and that research is stronger when delivered in an academic community that includes students.

With these ideas at heart, Leicester is re-framing the values that govern academia and re-defining what a university needs to be in the 21st century. We are constantly finding new ways of being a leading university.

We are the only university to win six consecutive Times Higher Awards. The Times Higher Education applauded Leicester’s very different approach, describing us as “elite without being elitist”.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 485 articles

Quand on entre dans un jacuzzi, tout ce qu'on a sur notre peau se dépose dans l’eau chaude qui tourbillonne autour de nous. Shutterstock

Champignons, virus, bactéries… Voici ce qu’a trouvé une microbiologiste dans les spas – et ce n’est pas ragoûtant

Lorsqu’on se détend dans l’eau chaude d’un spa, il est fort probable qu’on respire ou avale les bactéries, les virus et les champignons des personnes qui partagent le bain avec vous.
tommaso lizzul / Shutterstock

¿Somos más felices a medida que envejecemos?

La tesis de que la gente es más feliz según se acerca la edad de jubilación puede ser tranquilizadora para los que van teniendo unos años pero, por desgracia, no es cierta, según un nuevo estudio.


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