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Articles on HIV

Displaying 121 - 140 of 377 articles

A horseshoe bat chasing a moth. Horseshoe bats were the source of SARS. Scientists consider bats to be a possible source of coronavirus. DE AGOSTINI PICTURE LIBRARY / Contributor

A clue to stopping coronavirus: Knowing how viruses adapt from animals to humans

Some of the world’s worst diseases have come from animals. Bats, cows, camels and horses have all contributed. Now, scientists are working to know which animal introduced the new coronavirus.
Detail from a poster for the Codesa talks. Judy Seidman

Art as a weapon in South Africa’s liberation struggle

A retrospective exhibition displays the key works from the life and times of activist and artist Judy Seidman. She has used political posters as a galvanising force in the fight against injustice.
The team used CRISPR on human embryos in a bid to render them resistant to HIV infection. But instead, they generated different mutations, about which we know nothing. SHUTTERSTOCK

China’s failed gene-edited baby experiment proves we’re not ready for human embryo modification

A number of things may have gone wrong when researchers edited Chinese twins Lulu and Nana’s genome. Either way, the failed experiment is a cautionary tale for us all.
World AIDS Day is observed annually in many countries to raise people’s awareness in the fight against HIV. AP Photo/Themba Hadebe

Treating HIV in the tiniest babies could have huge positive implications for their future

Babies born with the HIV virus in their blood are at a turning point in the infection. With immediate treatment these children can develop much stronger immune systems to fight the virus.

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