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Relentless coughing after a viral infection can be frustrating and worrisome, but in most cases, coughs resolve over time. The Good Brigade/DigitalVision via Getty Images

A nagging cough can hang on for weeks or months following a respiratory illness – and there is precious little you can do about it

Some coughs can last for weeks or even months following an upper respiratory infection. The good news – albeit not very satisfying – is that most eventually go away on their own.
Spring has sprung, which means it’s hay fever season. From

How to manage grass pollen exposure this hay fever season: an expert guide

If you get hay fever, minimising your exposure to grass pollen is likely to be useful. Fortunately, it’s becoming easier to keep track of the pollen count. But what do you do when it’s high?
There are many pharmacological options available for insomnia. But they will mostly make you reliant upon them for sleep. from

I can’t sleep. What drugs can I (safely) take?

With so many different types out there, it’s hard to know what sleep medications are safe to use. Here’s a guide.
Allergies are becoming more frequent in the western world. Al Fed/Flickr

What are allergies and why are we getting more of them?

Allergies are reactions caused by the immune system as it responds to environmental substances that are usually harmless. But we don’t yet have a cure or the ability to prevent them from developing.
Ouch. PROKris Fricke/Flickr

America’s most lethal animal

Animal attacks have been in the news a lot. Late last year, a 22-year-old student in New Jersey was killed by a black bear he had been photographing. This summer, swimmers off the coast of North Carolina…
Cold and flu tablets won’t cure a cold. Flood G./Flickr

The low-down on ‘cold and flu’ tablets

Pharmacies have aisles full of cold and flu tablets. But which product is the best one for you? And will it really help you feel better?
Hay fever affects one in six Australians. Ed Newbigin

Pollen counting is not something to be sneezed at

Ah, spring, the sun shines again, the birds sing and - ach-hoo! Airborne grass pollens trigger bouts of hay fever and episodes of asthma in people with pollen allergies. But there is a way we could mitigate…

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