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Todos os artigos de Arts funding

Exibindo 161 - 180 de 206 artigos

George Brandis has a heavy load to lift as Attorney-General – but his priorities for the Arts portfolio could be clarified. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

What are the priorities for George Brandis, Minister for the Arts?

For artists and cultural workers, a change of government leads to a change of priorities – and often, opportunities disappear. So what do we know about the priorities for the current Minister for the Arts?
Cai Guo-Qiang is one of many artists whose work is showing at the Kyoto International Arts festival. John

The way of the mécénat: corporate arts funding in Japan

Unlike in Europe and Australia, the Japanese central government is relatively uninvolved in cultural funding, and there is little to incentivise private philanthropy. So how do they manage?
The Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester. David Levene

Is the northern ‘cultural powerhouse’ an empty bribe?

The reopening of Manchester’s Whitworth Gallery is the latest in a slew of good news in what might be perceived as a cultural coup for the North of England. Or at least for Manchester, which George Osborne…
Concerns about art and the environment should not be so divorced. Lucy Orta

Arts institutions must break their petroleum dependency

After a three-year court battle, the Tate has been forced to disclose how much money it receives in sponsorship from BP. The stubbornness seemed to indicate a massive sum, one the galleries could not do…
Is it economics that’s the issue with ABC cuts – and if so, what kind of economics? ABC Publicity

The economics of politics is what’s firing anger over the ABC cuts

Sometimes things that are pretty simple for most people can seriously confuse an economist. The heat over the ABC cuts is a good example of the blurry line between economics – and the economics of politics…
Not everyone is happy about Malcolm Turnbull’s cuts to ABC funding – but they may represent value for the taxpayer. Michael Scott

Less publicly-funded TV is good news for taxpayers … if not pigs

Malcolm Turnbull’s well-telegraphed announcement yesterday that the ABC’s funding will be cut by A$254 million over five years is no surprise. But, broken election promise aside, this is actually something…
The median year of composition of an opera performance at the Met in New York is around 1870. EPA/Justin Lane

Heritage performing arts and the case for funding

Last month it was reported that the 161-year-old Royal Melbourne Philharmonic (RMP) choir and orchestra has lost its annual grant from the Melbourne City Council and may also lose State Government support…
Debate over WA Opera’s production of Carmen reveals some faultlines in corporate arts sponsorship. Photo: Opera Australia dress rehearsal. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Carmen sense: when corporate sponsors go to the opera

One of the loopier actions of the eccentric Roman Emperor Elagabalus (inventor of the whoopee cushion) was an edict calling for all sex scenes in imperial theatres to be performed live and not simulated…
Man Booker winner Eleanor Catton has funded a grant to let readers write. EPA/TAL COHEN

Reading as a creative act: Eleanor Catton’s bold new grant

Booker Prize-winner Eleanor Catton announced last week she would use her NZ$15,000 winnings from the New Zealand Post best fiction and people’s choice prizes to set up a new grant for writers, dedicated…
Will changes support good artistic practice? (Pic shows Intrude by Amanda Parer). AAP Image/Junction Arts Festival, Tim Jones PR.

A guide to OzCo’s new goals, codewords and thought gaps

Last month the Australia Council announced a new strategic plan and approach to arts funding. As the sector comes to terms with what these changes may mean, it seems that there are more challenges to come…
Spit and polish: upkeep at the prize-winning Yorkshire Sculpture Garden. Lynne Cameron/PA

What makes a good museum? The Art Fund knows

On July 9, the annual Museum of the Year Prize, run by the Museum Prize Trust and sponsored since 2008 by the Art Fund, awarded £100,000 to the winner: the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, which shone in a shortlist…
How will the arts sector take care of artists in the face of government action? La Versiera

Without independent artists the major arts bodies will die

The morning after budget night on May 13, independent artists woke to a familiar alarm. It was Groundhog Day for “the heavy-lifters”, the independent artists of Australia’s arts sector. Their miserable…
It’s worth remembering we elect politicians to be leaders, as well as financial managers. Thomas Hawk

The budget, the arts and the limits of marketplace thinking

There is a well-known internet meme that quotes Britain’s war-time leader Winston Churchill’s response to a proposition that arts funding should be cut in favour of the war effort. His retort was: “Then…
The state of culture in Australia? Basically, it’s in rude health. Ars Electronica

The state of Australia: cultural economy

In the lead-up to the budget, the story of crisis has been hammered home, but there’s more to a country than its structural deficit. So how is Australia doing overall? In this special series, ten writers…

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