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Todos os artigos de Cancer recurrence

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Some cancer patients receive additional treatment after surgery with the goal of eliminating any remaining tumor cells. BSIP/Collection Mix: Subjects via Getty Images

Cancer often requires more than one treatment − an oncologist explains why some patients like Kate Middleton receive both chemotherapy and surgery

There are many approaches to treating cancer. Which ones work best is determined on an individual basis and informed by each tumor.
Hypoxia, or a state of low oxygen, can encourage tumors to spread. This microscopy image visualizes the microenvironment of a breast tumor. Steve Seung-Young Lee, Univ. of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health via Flickr

Stopping the cancer cells that thrive on chemotherapy – research into how pancreatic tumors adapt to stress could lead to a new treatment approach

Some cancers are notoriously resistant to chemotherapy and not curable with surgery. Stopping tumors from adapting to the harsh microenvironments of the body could be a potential treatment avenue.
Cancer cells, in red, cannibalize a type of stem cell, shown in green. The red cells with small specks of green are breast cancer cells that have “eaten” the stem cell. Author provided.

How ‘cannibalism’ by breast cancer cells promotes dormancy: A possible clue into cancer recurrence

After treatment for breast cancer, many women receive the news that they are cancer-free. In many cases, the disease will come back. How and why does that happen? New findings offer an explanation.

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