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Todos os artigos de Chelsea Manning

Exibindo 21 - 29 de 29 artigos

Hero or traitor? Bradley Manning will have years to ponder the question. EPA/Shawn Thew

35 years for Manning, and time for better whistleblowing laws

Bradley Manning, the whistleblower behind the biggest leak of military secrets in history, has been sentenced to 35 years imprisonment. Convicted for six offences under the Espionage Act, he will have…
In truth, whistleblower Bradley Manning’s experiences with online media are not so far removed from other ‘digital natives’. EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo

Born this way? Becoming Bradley Manning in a digital world

As US Army private Bradley Manning stares down 90 years in jail, his lawyers are fighting the weight of history. Prosecutors want us to see a soldier who shamefully turned his back on a sacred oath. To…
The natural conclusion from the conviction of Bradley Manning is that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is now firmly in the sights of US prosecutors. AAP/UPI Media

With Bradley Manning convicted, what now for Julian Assange?

Bradley Manning’s conviction for espionage marks the closing stages in the US Army private’s personal battle. Yet for Julian Assange, founder of whistleblower website WikiLeaks and Australian Senate candidate…
The trial of US Army private Bradley Manning - alleged to have leaked classified information to whistleblower website WikiLeaks - is underway. EPA/Michael Reynolds

WikiLeaks and aiding the enemy: the court martial of Bradley Manning

Even before his trial commenced, United States Army private Bradley Manning must have known that he would be spending a significant time in prison. Think decades rather than years. Manning pleaded guilty…

Lunch and Dinner with Julian Assange, in Prison

Everybody warned this would be no ordinary invitation, and they were right. Three hundred metres from Knightsbridge underground station, just a stone’s throw from fashion-conscious Harrods, I suddenly…
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says he will run for the Australian Senate. John Keane

Lunch and dinner with Julian Assange, in prison

Everybody warned this would be no ordinary invitation, and they were right. Three hundred metres from Knightsbridge underground station, just a stone’s throw from fashion-conscious Harrods, I suddenly…
Julian Assange’s appeal to the Ecuadorian authorities in Britain protects him from any potential extradiction … for now. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

Julian Assange’s surprising bid to escape to Ecuador

You’ve got to hand it to Julian Assange. He knows how to capture the imagination. In a surprise escape bid, he is currently holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, seeking political asylum. He now…
Suspect Bradley Manning is accused of “aiding the enemy” and faces court martial by a US military court. EPA/

Defending Private Manning: Wikileaks suspect has his day in court

The controversy over Wikileaks will today, at least temporarily, shift its focus from the website’s founder Julian Assange to suspected informant Private First Class Bradley Manning. Today Manning will…

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