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Donald Trump doesn’t liked to be reined in, which is why he has such a problem with trade deals like NAFTA. (The Associated Press)

New NAFTA or no NAFTA? How Trump’s ire could affect Canadian agri-food

Part of the purpose of trade deals is to prevent politicians from inserting politics into matters of commerce. Donald Trump is bucking that trend. What does it mean for Canada and NAFTA?
Clive Hamilton paints a picture of China’s unrelenting determination not only to control those within the country, but also to dominate the world using whatever means at its disposal. AAP/Wang Zhou

Book review – Clive Hamilton’s Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia

Clive Hamilton’s book is perhaps a useful reminder that we must not be naïve about our relationship with China, but his prescription is the wrong direction for tackling the genuine issues he raises.
Alibaba celebrates its retail success with actor Daniel Craig. EPA/Xu Kangping

How China is rebooting retail

Old retail might be dying in the West, but it’s been given new life in China.
Chinese President Xi Jinping claps while addressing the media in October 2017 as he introduces new members of the Politburo Standing Committee at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

Xi Jinping’s chilling grab for absolute power in China

Any naive hopes for a peaceful evolution to democracy in China are shattered against the reality that it’s now a one-man dictatorship. What does it mean for the West?
Malcolm Turnbull will be relieved to have some time away from the Barnaby Joyce affair when he arrives in Washington this week. Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

China, North Korea and trade the key talking points when Turnbull meets Trump

When he meets the US president this week, the prime minister will talk about the North Korean nuclear threat, the rise of China, and the rebranded Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau takes part in an eye-dotting ceremony to awaken the lion as he is given a tour of the Chen Clan Academy in Guangzhou, China in December 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Canada-China trade deal: Is Ottawa selling out our democratic values?

A high-ranking Chinese official was reportedly just in Canada getting China-Canada trade talks back on track. If true, that means Canada is blithely selling out liberal values.

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