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Todos os artigos de Climate communication

Exibindo 21 - 29 de 29 artigos

Much of the U.S. was built around the automobile, with greater distances to be covered than in places like Europe, making Americans’ daily lifestyles higher in energy than elsewhere. johnkay/flickr

Eco-authenticity: advocating for a low-carbon world while living a high-carbon lifestyle

Cognitive dissonance: scholars need to confront the undeniable conflict of pushing for action on climate change, while maintaining a high-energy lifestyle.
A better society is one way to motivate people to take action on climate change,. Earth image from

People around the world will act on climate change to create a better society: study

If we can convince people that climate change is real and important, then surely they will act: this intuitive idea underlies many efforts to communicate climate change to the public. But it may not be the best way.
Water in Western Australia is one of the Academy’s examples of where climate is having an impact, and where communities are already adapting. Bram Souffreau/Wikimedia Commons

Australian Academy of Science brings climate change closer to home

The Australian Academy of Sciences today released the new The Science of Climate Change: Questions and Answers. This is an extensively revised update of a similar publication in 2010. Its stated purpose…

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