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CEO of CPA Australia, Alex Malley, has come under fire for the amount he’s paid in light of public scrutiny. Alex Porritt/AAP

CPA in crisis: why more associations will have to disclose CEO pay

The amplified public concerns about executive pay that led to the cementing of reporting and disclosure into law, may start trend of voluntary disclosure among professional bodies.
Research shows when there are three women on a board, as opposed to one, they are seen as individuals rather than the “female voice”. Image sourced from

Companies prefer ticking boxes to breaking the glass ceiling

Australia’s largest companies are happy to tick gender reporting boxes, but when it comes to pay equity they are largely silent.
Surviving or thriving? britta heise

Explainer: how big tobacco turns profits

In 2013 Imperial Tobacco, one of four major transnational tobacco companies, posted its first fall in profits in 17 years. One could be forgiven for thinking from the proposed introduction of new restrictions…
Companies are getting better at disclosing possible environmental and social issues that might cause profits to slip, but there is more they could do. Flickr/Ian Barbour

Mixed result on sustainability reporting, but ASX proposes greater disclosure

Investors are increasingly interested in how companies manage non-financial – environmental and social – risks. And there is still substantial room for improvement. The recent Sustainability Reporting…
Boards will need to be ‘six-capital literate’ in order to assess performance, identify risks and develop strategy. Shutterstock

Integrated reporting to walk more than the bottom line

Paul Druckman, the CEO of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), recently led the coalition’s global charge on corporate reporting changes to Australia, where he bolstered support and talked…

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