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Todos os artigos de Cory Bernardi

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The format of the ABC program Recognition: Yes or No? is problematic, and the choice of voices particularly so. ABC Publicity

Recognition: Yes or No? The ABC asks the wrong questions of the wrong people

The ABC has missed a rare opportunity to deeply engage with the diversity of views among Indigenous Australians about whether and how they should be ‘recognised’ in the Constitution.
Malcolm Turnbull leaves after the government lost divisions in the House of Representatives on Thursday. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Liberal Party ‘internals’ have a bad attack of acid stomach

Both Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese and Liberal backbencher Cory Bernardi were in the business of stirring expectations in interviews on Sunday. And if those expectations take hold, that’s particularly…
Tuesday’s Newspoll showed dissatisfaction with Malcolm Turnbull on 52% compared with his satisfaction level of 34%. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Malcolm Turnbull surrounded by trouble – left, right and centre

The government is “approaching this term with optimism”, according to the governor-general’s speech opening parliament. This is good to hear, because a more pessimistic character than Malcolm Turnbull…
Malcolm Turnbull continued to say he was ‘quietly confident’ the Coalition would reach a majority in its own right. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull stands solid against returning Abbott to frontbench

Malcolm Turnbull has slapped down the prospect of Tony Abbott returning to the ministry, as both he and Bill Shorten talk to crossbenchers who could determine their fate in a hung parliament.
While some conservatives worry about the Safe Schools program ‘turning’ kids gay, they in turn seem determined to turn queer kids straight. Shutterstock

Safe Schools Coalition: what is the Christian Right afraid of?

The review of the Safe Schools program is yet another example of the misguided conservative anxiety that talking about homosexuality can “turn” children gay.
Managing the ‘broad church’ of the Liberal Party is one of Malcolm Turnbull’s greatest challenges. AAP/Mick Tsikas

A liberal leading the Liberals: can Turnbull manage the ultra-conservatives?

Ultra-conservatism has a rich and complex history within Australian parties, and Malcolm Turnbull has the difficult task of balancing the more extreme elements of his party with his own liberal views.
Coalition senator Eric Abetz claims he and other Liberal MPs do not have to respect the result of a coming plebiscite on same-sex marriage. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Coalition tensions expose the flaws of the same-sex marriage plebiscite

It is easy to envisage a number of arguments that MPs might use in an attempt to justify ignoring the result of a same-sex marriage plebiscite and voting contrary to its result.
Cory Bernardi is a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage, saying children do best when they are raised by both a mother and a father. AAP/Alan Porritt

FactCheck: is having a mum and a dad the very best thing for a child?

Liberal senator Cory Bernardi, a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage, has said that “the very best thing” for the development of a child is to have a mum and a dad. What does the research say?
Prime Minister Tony Abbott reminded cabinet members of their responsibilities and the consequences of leaking, after an unusually detailed leak from cabinet. AAP/Lukas Coch

Oh lordy what a sight – a cabinet room ‘come to Jesus moment’

Tony Abbott has told his party room that in cabinet on Monday there was a “come to Jesus moment” – by which he apparently meant a moment of collective clarity.
Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has argued for Australia’s racial discrimination laws to be revisited in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in France. AAP/Alan Porritt

Repealing 18C would leave Jews exposed as Muslims already are

Let’s be clear about one thing as the loony right once more revisits with slavering lips their thwarted desire to allow racial vilification to run untrammelled through Australian society. Nothing that…
Politicians and parties on Australia’s political fringe would ban the burqa - except, apparently, when it is worn for the purposes of their political campaigns. AAP/Julian Smith

Banning the burqa is not the answer to fears about public safety

The burqa and niqab are often viewed as symbols of extremism. In the wake of the rise of Islamic State, it is unsurprising, therefore, that in recent days a number of Australian politicians have called…
Senator Cory Bernardi would like the Senate to become a more robust house of review. AAP/Alan Porritt

Let’s have a really freewheeling Senate: Bernardi

Controversial Liberal senator Cory Bernardi will challenge the power of executive government and its desire to dictate to its senators in a provocative speech this week. Bernardi, a South Australian who…
France’s Front National under Marine Le Pen could be described as ‘right wing’, but in a global context what does that even mean? EPA/Guillaume Horcajuelo

Are Ron Paul, Geert Wilders, Cory Bernardi and Marine Le Pen all ‘right wing’?

The rise of the Tea Party in the US and the electoral success of both nationalist populists in Europe and the Abbott government in Australia demonstrates there are many parties with positions described…
Politicians such as Cory Bernardi hold strong views on the family – but where does the idea of the natural family unit come from? AAP Image/Alan Porritt

The science of the ‘natural’ family unit

It’s no secret that South Australian senator Cory Bernardi is a fan of what he calls “traditional family structures”. His views are back in the news this week with the release of his latest book, The Conservative…
Peter Singer is awarded for ideas for which we shun others. Joel Travis Sage

Cory Bernardi is right, in Peter Singer’s anti-human world

Senator Cory Bernardi has been reviled for associating homosexuality with something repugnant, bestiality. Yet Australia has just awarded its highest civilian honour to a philosopher who provides a moral…

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