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In recent years, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp papers have become more politically aggressive, adopting the openly partisan approach of British tabloids. Jason Reed/AAP

The secret history of News Corp: a media empire built on spreading propaganda

New research reveals how News Limited was secretly established in the early 1900s by a mining company for the express purpose of disseminating ‘propaganda’.
In handing Geoffrey Rush a victory in his defamation case against The Daily Telegraph, the judge said the actor’s reputation was harmed by a “recklessly irresponsible piece of sensational journalism.” Dylan Coker/AAP

Geoffrey Rush’s victory in his defamation case could have a chilling effect on the #MeToo movement

The judgement is a personal and legal vindication for the actor, but it may have unintended side effects for the #MeToo movement and the reporting of sexual harassment allegations.
Is Rupert Murdoch’s influence on the Australian political landscape what it used to be? AAP/Paul Miller

Cheerleaders of the press don’t win elections like they used to

Given newspapers’ continued role as the main provider of new news every day, and the amplifying effect of social media, their potential to influence the body politic remains substantial.
Morning after: how the nationals covered the election. Paperboy

Election coverage: sweet victory or a new low for UK press?

So that’s that, then. The pollsters got it wildly wrong and the UK did not wake up on Friday to endless debates about coalitions, minority governments and who would deal with whom. Instead a startled “national…
The Daily Telegraph gave extraordinary prominence to the allegations against former speaker Peter Slipper, then relegated the dismissal of the case to page 17.

Is press freedom a licence for unfair and unbalanced coverage?

The Sydney Daily Telegraph’s reaction to an Australian Press Council ruling that it breached the council’s “fairness and balance” principle raises concerns about the council’s relationship with the big…
Can you handle the digital revolution?

Digital labs are re-inventing journalism on the run

It was something of a moment in the evolution of news in this country. Last week, while we were still digesting the revelation that The Independent, which had been acquired by its current owner for just…
Wherever the leaders went on the campaign trail the media followed. How can we assess the media’s performance? AAP/Alan Porritt

Election 2013: the role of the media

In one sense, the Australian media did a good job under difficult circumstances in this election. The difficult part was how predictable the campaign was and the increasing inevitability of the outcome…
Adam Bandt, Christine Milne and Richard Di Natale don’t walk this planet, says The Daily Telegraph. AAP/Penny Bradfield

Little Green people from outer space: labelling Christine Milne and co

The Daily Telegraph isn’t known for holding back. As Stephen Conroy discovered in an already infamous front page, if you’re in its firing line, you’ll know it. It’s a world where a relatively pragmatic…

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